Monday, September 3, 2012

Thank You For The Support

Good morning! :) Happy Marvelous Monday!

I hope everyone so far is having a good day! It's always good to start off a day with a positive and optimistic attitude, at least in my opinion. (*Warning* this post may be a long one.)

So, I have a question for you guys...

When you first started getting into fitness (if you are, that is) how did everyone around you react? Were they supportive of your goals? Did they take it seriously or did they think it was some type of fad to lose weights or look 'cool'? Did they think it was stupid?

I am generally curious for some opinions right here. Because I am surprised at the amount of support I have gotten after revealing that I am a huge fitness/weightlifting nut and figure competitions are in my future.

Let me explain. I am not talking about my family. I absolutely admire that fact that my brother, mom and dad are all so supportive of my decisions. When I first told my mom I wanted to be a certified personal trainer and a figure competitor, she was a little iffy and confused. She didn't really know what a figure competition entailed and she didn't know if that was the 'best' direction for my life. But ever since I have gotten her to truly see the passion for fitness that I have (thanks in part to my trainer) she has totally been on board and supports EVERYTHING I do. My mom would drop everything to make sure I have the car to let loose at the gym. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that when I compete, she will be there in the audience cheering me on.

So, you can see that it took some time to get my family to understand. But what about the people around me, like the kids my age, teachers, etc? I will gladly admit that when I first started getting into fitness and doing copious amounts of research, I was terrified to tell anyone that I wanted to compete and be a trainer. I thought people would scoff at me and be all like "Psh, that's SO stupid." A lot of people don't understand the difference between bikini, figure, fitness, phsyique, and bodybuilding competitions. They typically always gravitate to thinking of the huge, pumped up bodybuilding women that look like 'men' and pump themselves with steroids and testosterone (and it should be noted that not all women bodybuilders do this; some are natural and super hard workers). While I respect all the women bodybuilders, that is not my goal. I want to do figure, which is different. Here's the difference between all the categories (if anyone wants a post about the difference between the categories in words, let me know):

(from left to right: Bikini [Source], Figure [Source], Bodybuilding [Source])

(from left to right: Physique [Source], Fitness [Source])

I originally kept my blog under wraps from the people I know in real life. I thought it would be 'weird' to let them see this side of me. However, I do follow some of these people on Twitter who follow me back, and they do see when I post a new blog post. I never posted it on Facebook, where the majority of my friends are. I was going to make a separate Twitter for my personal relationships, but I decided that if the people I know in real life can put up with my blog and fitness tweets, then they are truly good people.

However, more and more people have been approaching me in school telling me that they they read the blog and are inspired. They tell me they love my dedication and even ask me for help. I have even told all of my teachers and they all seem to support me.


This makes me BEAM from ear to ear. I LOVE this. I've had so many people come up to me, asking me what foods they should be eating and what workouts I would recommend. Oh my gosh, whenever I get these questions I am seriously SO happy as this is EXACTLY what I want to do with my life!!! This affirms why I want to compete and be a trainer. I'm getting a head start! Even my brother comes to me daily asking me for advice.

Also, I got a message from a girl on Facebook whom I have not seen since middle school. (If you're reading this, hi!) I started skimming through and when I saw words like "you post" and "figure competitions" I thought she would be telling me to tone it down a bit as I feared that I was flooding her news feed with all the fitness pictures that I "liked," oblivious that this was even appearing on other people's news feeds. But, she told me the complete opposite. She told me that it was so cool that instead of being interested in your typical sport (soccer, softball, etc.), I was interested in figure competitions. This seriously made my whole life.

Post-workout FU Face. (Thanks to Kierston!)

I can't believe that I thought people would think I was weird. I'm sure some people DO think I'm weird, but I can see for the most part that the people I actually know are supportive of me and trust me enough to believe that I know quite a lot about fitness and nutrition. It makes my heart smile.

I have had some very mean and ignorant people mock me for my fitness lifestyle. Recently, I've been called "obsessed" and I have had many people call me very derogatory comments behind my back. It's okay though, because if they are saying it behind my back then that means they don't have the courage to say it to my face, which clearly exemplifies the type of person they are. If only they knew my story, they might actually be open-minded. But nope, some people never will be and I accept that. No matter WHAT you do, there will ALWAYS be someone who disapproves. So just be you and live life as that person wastes their time hating you. :)

To all my readers that I know in real life, thank you for reading this and taking it seriously. To all my blogger friends, thank you for the support and the comments. It means the world. And to all the stragglers who happen to come to my blog, thank you so much for giving this girl a purpose in life.

I love my readers. You all rock. :) Do what you do best and forget the rest. If you are interested in something outside of the 'norm,' don't be afraid to show it. 

Have a great day everyone!

Questions: Have you been in a similar situation? How do you handle the nay-sayers?


  1. ok this makes me SMILE.
    people do rock huh?
    for me it is all the SEUSS QUOTE:

    1. That's the PERFECT quote to describe my situation, Miz. Thank you. :)

  2. This is so cool-- don't you just LOVE when the unexpected happens and takes you by surprise?? It can be so nerve-wracking putting your raw self out in the open; I know I always hesitate a bit before pressing publish. Granted, negativity can come your way, but you just gotta rise above it and do what you love despite that :)
    I think it's fabulous your friends and family support you so much, you're truly and inspiration to your peers and readers my friend :)
    Keep on doing your thang girl, you ROCK!! <3

    1. I do I do! :D I always get anxious before I hit publish on some of my posts. I know that some may instigate an argument but I don't care anymore! Thanks for being a great friend and supporter <333

  3. I think you're awesome, and I wish I'd had your level of focus and dedication at the same age. It would have meant avoiding years of unhealthy habits.

    I'm so glad you're being supported. I hope you'll continue to be surprised by people's potential for awesome.

    1. Thank you so much :) That truly means a lot to me. I will continue because I get support from wonderful people like you!

  4. Aw I am so happy for you, I am the same way. I don't tell people in real life about my blog but many stumble upon it through twitter (I don't have a facebook page). It is so strange when someone says, oh I read your blog. I am blown away and kind of nervous. What do they think? I am glad you got such positive feedback.

    1. Thank you :) I agree. I am always stunned when someone tells me about my blog. I am also very nervous as well! Have a great day :)

  5. I'm new to your blog and I think this is great! You obviously have a passion and a plan which is more than a lot of people have - fantastic! Keep focusing on those who love and support you :)

    1. Aww thank you! I love new readers! Words like these really encourage me to keep going :)

  6. I lost a few people in the process of embracing my passion for fitness and nutrition, particularly the newfound respect/obsession with bodybuilding. sharing articles on facebook about GMO labeling or Olympia bikini coverage are not welcomed as easily as Info about Beyonce. But I GAINED better support and new friends (even if they're only on TWITTER.) And, people I NEVER spoke to in highschool who sometimes even snubbed me back then since I used to dance professionally instead of party on the weekends, have asked me for help, and said they stalk my blog. Its all worth it. The road WAS tough, but I've learned that I need to surround myself with positive, like-minded people, rather than dwell on some "friends" who insisted I choose my "eating disorder" aka passion for eating healthy, or maintain a friendship with them. Keep it up, and keep taking over the world ;)

    1. Liz oh my gosh I can totally relate. I have lost a few friends from this, as they would rather go out to these stupid teen parties, get wasted, sleep, then repeat the process. Sorry, but that's not how I roll! I definitely have met new friends (ehmm.. YOU!) and they support me and understand me better. I love getting asked for help from people who formerly snubbed me. You are so right. I'm don surrounding myself with the wrong people! Definitely not worth it. People tell me to pursue my "eating disorder" as well as they go shove their face with Cheetos. Don't you love idiotic, ignorant people?! ;)

  7. I wish I could be like you and go public locally with my blog! I told one girl but I don't think people would take it as good as they took yours! Maybe once I start getting more into lifting and that stuff I will because then they wont think I'm just a fru-fru posting pointless things:)

    1. Why? And just because you lift doesn't make you 'legit.' Running is just as legit as a sport as anything else. Lifting doesn't make you 'tough,' so just do what YOU like to do.

  8. What a great post! It makes me smile, too, that you are surrounded by such supportive people in real life. When you are passionate, sincerity shines through and no one can resist that!

  9. PREACH girl! It is so amazing to have people supporting your dreams! Haters gonna hate but what tears you down builds you up right? Follow your dreams and don't ever let other people tell you how to live your life :D

    1. Hehe I will! I love that. Such great motivational words. :) Thank you so much!!

  10. Awww, you made me so happy with this post!
    You have no idea how much you inspire ME with each and every thing you write. You're just so freaking amazing! :) <3

    lol, and the fact that people are saying things behind your back.. They're probably afraid that you'd beat them up if they told it to your face. Cowards. *shakes head*

    I'm so proud of you and the fact that you're actually doing things to help others! You're gonna be one awesome trainer some day, and expect me to come to you if I ever want to do some competitions! ;)

    Love you girl, and I love your passion for living a better life! <3

    1. Aww thank you Katie. :')

      I know. It's like GROW UP and say it to my face. I'm much stronger mentally than you think!!! I can take it. :)

      We need to meet some day girl, Furrrizzles. Love ya :D

  11. Brittany, you are such an inspiration! Love this blog!

    PS: Just finished an almond butter and jelly sandwich, with EXTRA almond butter

    1. Aww Mrs. Sayre, thank you so much :) You are seriously the best. And I hope you enjoyed that almond butter. It's the BOMB :D

  12. Hi Britt, I've just found your blog (from a comment you left on Sprint 2 the Table) and I love your attitude :) I've always wanted to try training for some kind of competition as I train anyway, so I'd be really interested in your talking about the differences between the different types of competitions and what the goals, definitions etc are for each type - please! I'm in the UK so I realize things might be a bit different, but a lot of these competitions are international, so there must be guidelines that apply the world over, right? I hope you can write a post, if not I'll keep reading anyway :D

    1. Hi Jenny! I would love to write a post for you. In fact, I would be honored to so thank you for asking! Most guidelines for these competitions apply to all parts of the world--the UK included. :)
