Friday, September 28, 2012

Fitness Friday #3: One-Rep Max & My Love For Lifting

Ahh, I feel a sweet, sweet victory.

I had an AWESOME shoulder workout with my trainer on Wednesday. I felt so powerful and strong, and it cemented my love for shoulder day as my absolute favorite workout. 

I was going so much heavier than what I had been going already for shoulders. I had fallen into a comfort zone trap in training shoulders. I was using the same dumbbells, plates, and barbells for every exercise, using a 12-15 rep range for the sake of not injuring myself going *too* heavy. My shoulder development was going stagnant, and I desperately needed a change-up to my shoulder training.

Yep. This pretty much sums it up. (Source)

I didn't realize how light of weights I was using to do such exercises as bent over flys, shoulder press, military press, lateral raises, front raises, etc. The thing is, when I went MUCH heavier with my trainer, I was STILL able to do in between the 10-15 rep range... with about 2x the heavier weights. That just does to show me how comfortable I got using my 'normal' weights and how it is oh so necessary to break out of my comfort zone.

Well, my trainer informed me that I am FINALLY able to go into my one rep max range. I know, I am sure some of you are concerned that with me being only 16, I would be lifting too heavy. I would agree with that, however, I have been lifting for a good 10 or so months now and during that entire time of lifting, I was prepping for this moment. I have been preparing to test out my one rep max for a LONG time now, so you can bet I am super excited. My trainer thinks I am ready. I think I am ready. Let's do this.

It's funny--when I tell someone my age that I am out-of-this-world PUMPED to do one rep max lifting, they have no idea what I am talking about or they just straight up think I am weird. Guess what? I DON'T CARE! I do me and that's all I can be.

Dr. Seuss knows what's up. (Source)

All my goals right now are surrounded around getting stronger. I certainly believe that testing out my one rep max for the bigger, compound exercises will improve my strength tremendously. My one rep max isn't too light either. I am certainly not boasting but I've been pounding my butt into the ground to be lifting some of the weight I currently am. Sometimes I hear the athletic boys at my school bragging to everyone about how much they can 'lift,' when I can lift heavier than that. Talk about a confidence booster!

In total, lifting is my true and honest passion. I can't wait to compete in figure one day. The moment I enter the gym, my heart and soul is just 'freed' in a sense and I am in complete and utter comfort with myself and with my body. It's an indescribable experience. The way my muscles ache after a workout makes me beam with joy. Looking at pictures of inspiring figure competitors and fitness models only fuels my passion and aspirations to get on stage one day and show everyone what hard work is truly made of.

I honestly don't think that I can fully express my complete and extreme love for this sport. Some people call me obsessed, but when they discover their true passion like I have, they will understand. I am so proud of myself and all of the accomplishments I have made thus far. With my healthy diet and my willpower to smash some weights, I can't wait to see what my future has in store for me.

I will keep everyone updated on how training with a one rep max range is going for me. I start with my trainer very soon... eek! I am excited!

I am going to be watching the Olympia as much as I can. That's my goal one day: to get up on that stage for the Olympia. Who will the figure champ be this year... Nicole or Erin? We'll have to see!

Question: Do you train with your one rep max on various exercises? What is your true passion? Nicole or Erin for the title of Ms. Figure Olympia?


  1. I rep to failure no matter the weight I use. I make every rep count while ensuring I keep proper form.

    Have a great weekend Britt!

  2. Good for you, I love your're so lucky to have found it! Can't wait to watch you at the Olympia one day...

  3. Way to go Brittany. Been working out for about 3 months now with a trainer and it is so rewarding to see how I am becoming strong every time I go for a heavier weight.
    Love your tweets, blog. You are an inspiring person!

  4. form one rep max to the O we are so alike.
    We missed vegas this year---but have gone YEARLY for around..17?

    1. I'm glad we are alike! :) And oh no, just not this year? It sounds like so much fun!
