Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Updates

Hello, hello. Happy Wednesday!

Oh gosh, I have been so super busy and it's only going to get about 10x worse. The next week should be exceptionally frantic: work, school, homework, gym time, blogging, sleeping, and getting ready for Homecoming are all on the agenda and I have no idea how I am going to juggle all of this. I'll pray for the best. :)

I decided to do another 'update' post of sorts today to let you all know how things have been going with me.

Well, to be blunt, I am craving for a change. My typical work week has looked like this (and you would see it by looking at my workout log):

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: REST
Wednesday: Back/Biceps
Thursday: Chest/Triceps
Friday: REST
Saturday: Conditioning workout
Sunday: Shoulders, Core

I've been doing this for a few weeks and I am seriously bored of it. I have noticed my motivation waning and I knew that now would be the right time to switch things up. I am going to dabble with switching up what days I do a certain muscle group as well as switching up my number of sets and reps. I may also throw in some CrossFit workouts and see how my body responds.

Here is a good progress picture for anybody that is curious:

Excuse my paleness. :) The bottom left picture was an attempt to show my veins, but they didn't show up too much for the camera. Darn!

I'm going to be 100% honest here... I used to be mainly concerned on getting that 'muscular' look. I wanted to see the muscle. I wanted people to look at me and say "Damn! Look at that muscle!" But I feel that is focusing too much on vanity. My goal as of now is to focus on strength. I want to be strong.

As of right now, if my muscle doesn't "show" I am not too concerned. I am not training right now for a competition or a photo shoot, so why am I so concerned about people seeing my muscle? It might be because I am tired of hearing that I am too "skinny" which I completely understand. But I don't give a fudge what people think about me. I am busting some booty to put some weight on and I'll be damned if people are going to belittle my efforts.

I want to see how strong I can get. Sure, it's great to have ripped biceps but I would much rather be able to curl a lot of weight then focus on the aesthetics! 

As for food, I am basically going to be gulping down a lot more calories. I haven't gained as much weight as I am wanting to and I know there really is no excuse for that. I'm not going to get specific, but I know that I have added a lot more 'substance' to my meals and I am hoping it will help get me to a heavier place, albeit a healthier place. I've already been eating a lot and I have seen some weight gain but not as much of it. This just means I have to readjust and find what works for me. I'm not on any 'diet' and I'm just going with the flow.

So, basically, here are my new goals:

1) Focus on STRENGTH, not aesthetics.
2) Mix up my workouts and not revert back to the same thing every time.
3) Try out new-to-me exercises.
4) Make a conscious effort to eat more and let the food help me grow.
5) Release unnecessary stress from my life and focus on my goals.

Sound good? :) Have a great day everyone!

Questions: Do you focus too much on getting that impressive 'muscular look' or are you more concerned with how strong you are? Any interesting exercises you would like to recommend?


  1. Dang girl, you are ripped! I've been working my arms a lot lately and you are good motivation! :D

  2. You know me. Im all about the feeling strong and capable.

  3. NICE GOALS! and super yay for desiring strength over vanity-- I'm finding I want similar goals. I'd rather be able to lift an insane amount of weight and feel healthy than look like a model who can only lift like 5 lbs haha
    AND DANG MAMASITA your back and arms are killa! Keep it up! :D

    1. Thank you :) I agree. Some models may have that ripped look but can barely curl 20 lbs each. I'd rather be able to move a lot of weight! :)

  4. You go Britt! Great goals :) I love feeling strong!

  5. Great goals and I see strength, both inside and out! Keep it up!

  6. Um, hi. Your back and arms look amazing!

  7. your rear delts look great! definitely go for strength and power, the aesthetic WILL follow in due time :) It also takes lots of YEARS to get that mature "ripped" look of developed muscles. Even I don't have that, but some women in their 30s and 40s who aren't super lean do. Comes with time and millions of reps !! xoxo

    1. You always know what to say. :) Thanks Liz! <3

  8. Yeah girl, food food and more food will get where you want to go. Me too. I know I've been eating way more on paleo so it's been helping my gains.

    1. Yes, subconsciously I know this and yet I don't give it much mind at all. But I have been eating so much in the past few days and I can see the difference! I'm glad you are seeing gains :)

  9. Phew lady, you are looking fantastic, those muscles! Your extra intake of food is what is going to keep building those muscles.. nothing to complain about eh? :)

    1. Thank you Tessa! :) And no not at all! Who could complain about extra food?! :)

  10. Woohoo, I love your goals! Strength goals are where it's at ;)

    1. I agree! Ever since I changed my mindset to strength, I feel a lot better about myself :)

  11. dang !(; I wish i had you committment ! Love you brittney:) Keep going(: I will try to keep up!

    1. *Brittany ;) Now we're even "Alex"! Haha love you too dude! Thank you so much for all the support!
