Sunday, September 2, 2012

About Time Whey Protein Isolate Review

Hey guys!

For PowerMeal-A-Week, I'm going to review a certain ingredient that I used in some of my PowerMeals. I used About Time whey protein isolate. 

Here's what the company has to say about their products:

Prepare to expect more from protein supplements and meal replacement bars, and less of the things your body can do without. About Time is simply the cleanest protein product on the market today: No artificial flavors and no artificial sweeteners.
The difference comes from using only natural ingredients and 100% whey protein isolate, not the less pure protein concentrates that have flooded the market. The result is a quality you can taste, and a nutritional superiority your body will feel. Check out all the About Time products at our online store.
The test results for heavy metals in About Time protein are impressive. The numbers are extremely LOW (view report). Many of the top brands of whey protein have high heavy metals numbers. SDC wants you to know we have our customer’s best interests in mind as we develop our products.

They came in the flavors of banana, chocolate, and cinnamon swirl.

Banana: 9/10
This flavor was good but I expected it to be a little more banana flavored. It was a little dull but it was still really tasty nonetheless.

Chocolate: 8/10
This flavor didn't exactly blow me away. Chocolate is one of the most popular flavors or protein powder, so naturally I've had the privilege to try a variety of chocolate-flavored protein powder. Compared to some of the other ones, I wasn't blown away by this particular flavor. But it definitely did hit the spot.

Cinnamon Swirl: 9/10
I was super excited to get this flavor. I have never tried a protein powder with this flavor. I gave it a 9/10 because once again, the cinnamon flavor wasn't really strongly enforced. It was a dull tasting cinnamon and I wish it slightly had a bigger pop of flavor. But it was still really good.

What I love about About Tim'es products is that they are all natural and made of the best part of whey protein: the isolate. That's awesome! Thank you About Time for samples!

*I was not paid by About Time to review their products and all opinions are my own.

Have a great Sunday!

By the way, I'm joining Tosca Reno and Kasey from PowerCakes to Strike Sugar for the month of September! Join in!

Questions: Have you ever tried About Time? What's your favorite protein powder?


  1. Im so glad you just did a review of this because ironically, I just bought the chocolate one online last night without ever sampling it. I have been researching protein powders and this one looked like one of the cleanest whey isolate powders out there. Can you tell me any delicious combinations you made? Or did you just mix it with water or milk? Thanks!!

    1. Absolutely! It is super clean. I made chocolate protein pancakes, and I also made a yummy green smoothie. :) You can also make a 'pudding' with the powder: just mix the powder with water or milk, adding the liquid in gradually until you get a pudding-like consistency. You could also make waffles, crepes, or even mix it into Greek yogurt/cottage cheese! :)

  2. I've never tried About Time, but I've heard great things. Plus they seem to have A TON of flavors. Love that!

  3. Great review Britt! I like your honesty :)
    I've tried their chocolate peanut butter and their strawberry-- the strawberry was kinda weird, but the chocolate pb rocked! It tasted a lot more peanutty than chocolatey.
    My favorite protein though is hands down Muscle Gauge Nutrition's Pure Isolate in vanilla-- it's GOTTA be laced with drugs!

  4. I have never heard of these but um they look delicious. Where did you find these gems? I am always looking to try stuff like tehse

    1. I actually talked to the company! Just e-mail them and they will give you samples :)

  5. OMG I just wrote you this whole comment and the computer just refreshed itself. I am going to write it again only because I love you! OK as I was saying...I have not had protein powder for a month now because it's definitely not on my paleo plan. I've been having a sweet potato turkey burger PWO. :) I have had About Time before and I find it tasteless with less than stellar mix-ability. It was fine blended into a smoothie or yogurt and the stats were super great, but I was not compelled to buy it again. Free samples are always awesome though. ;)

    1. Hahaha aww Sara! I know I say this all the time but you are so AWESOME!!! And wow... no protein powder?! Not THAT'S willpower. A sweet potato turkey burger does sound divine, though, not going to lie. :) I agree. I think they have a ton of flavors but they all don't taste like anything so there is really no point. Free samples are always welcome over in this household. ;)

  6. Great review! I like your honesty :) I've only had their strawberry and chocolate pb flavors-- the strawberry was okay, but the choco pb was really good! It actually tasted pretty peanutty! :D
    My favorite protein is hands down Muscle Gauge Nutrition pure isolate in vanilla-- gotta be laced with drugs!! :D

    1. Haha I try to be honest. :) I need to try the choco PB! I've tried the Isopure flavor of that and it isn't too good. :/ I will remember Muscle Gauge... if you say it's good then it has to be epic!

  7. I only use About Time. Chocolate is my go-to. I've tried the mocha mint and it's good, but having it every day it was kind of getting old, much better as a once in a while flavor. The vanilla is pretty good too, really strong vanilla flavor that comes through in cooking. I liked it blended with berries and kale in a smoothie but didn't really drink it alone too often. I have never had a problem with it blending, I use a shaker bottle with a metal whisk ball and I have no problems (put it in after you put in your water or milk, then blend. It tends to stick to the bottom if you put it in first.)

    1. Gosh, they have so many flavors! MOCHA MINT?! I'd love to try their vanilla as that is my go-to flavor of protein powders. Thanks for the tips; they are very appreciated! :)

  8. Nope, never tried that protein, but I'd like to now that I know they have a banana flavor. I love banana protein oats in the morning!
