Friday, September 14, 2012

Eat-Clean Diet Review: Part 2 "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!"

Hello again everyone! TGIF!

I am continuing my review for Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet series, and today it is focused on "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!"

I have said before and will say again that I feel so very lucky that I get to review these amazing books. A big heartfelt thank you goes out to Tosca Reno, her wonderful daughters, and the Eat-Clean Diet team.

Recharged! is a much bigger book than "Just The Rules." This book goes much more in-depth and into further detail. "Just The Rules" is meant to serve as a little guide that is portable to bring everywhere when the motivation to remember the principles of eating clean strikes.

If you want to learn so many new things to get to being the healthiest you that you can be, then go get this book. Now. Seriously. Did you get it yet? I am waiting.

There are a lot of "health gurus" out there that claim that they are in the industry for the best interest of their customers, but let's be honest here: they just want your money. They don't care if you put a broccoli floret or a Cosmic Brownie in your mouth. With Tosca, she genuinely cares about all of her readers and Eat-Clean Diet followers. This is a quality that I absolutely admire about her.

When you first open the book, you will see this:

This book is dedicated to the many millions of you who have adopted the Eat-Clean lifestyle. You are intelligent and inspirational, every one of you, and I thank you for your brilliance. 

I am indeed always listening!

- Tosca Reno

If you read Oxygen Magazine (and fangirl when you get it in the mail or buy it at the store and then proceed to spend the next three hours reading every.single.word), then you would know that Tosca often says "I am always listening" in her awesome column. This just shows how truly authentic she is!

I love her Oxygen columns! (Source)

Gosh, she makes me feel so special! How about you? Tosca truly cares about the health of others. You can clearly identify this when you analyze her words in the book. 

There is an in-depth analysis on a number of subjects in the book, such as portion control, cellulite, drinking water, eating breakfast, etc. There are even some delicious recipes! Tosca makes it abundantly clear that eating clean does not have to be boring whatsoever. 

If you had no idea about what it means to fully "eat healthy" before reading this book, after reading it you will feel like you know just about all that you need to do. It's that descriptive and eye-opening. Not everyone is already used to this healthy lifestyle, so if you are just jumping in, you can read this book and know where to start.

I give Tosca major props for her professionalism and honesty in the book. Every night, I would pore over this book. I was immersed in the details of the words and carefully read each and every sentence until it fully absorbed 100% in my brain.

My complete and utter conclusion is that I loved it. It empowered me to want to eat even healthier than before but have a balanced attitude. Everything in moderation! Like I said in my last post, the Eat-Clean Diet is not a deprivation diet. It's a lifestyle with treats (notice I didn't say CHEATS) intertwined here and there.

Go pick up this book you will not be sorry! :)

*I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are my own.*


  1. Everything in moderation-- AMEN! Love that message, I'm so tired of people depriving themselves of something just because it's deemed "unhealthy." Like, if you want some ice cream, eat the freakin ice cream! haha
    Ahh she's such a great inspiration, JUST LIKE YOU :D

    1. I know. It's ridiculous to NEVER have anything 'bad.' It's an unhealthy mindset! And thank you girl, you are my inspiration as well :)

  2. I love your point about having a balanced attitude. That - to me - is the key to any successful healthy eating philosophy.

  3. BALANCE.. yes, love that message. Nice review.

  4. I love the word balanced. Balance in everything, your body, food, life. Though I use the word moderation with clients sometimes, I'm not so crazy about it. Sounds kind of boring. I like going all out.

    1. Balance > moderation. You are right! I like going all out as well :)

  5. Thanks for the review Brittany! Balance is something I strive for allLl of the time and while it's hard to truly understand and utilize the meaning of the word in everyday life, it's important to keep on working toward that!

    1. Absolutely! Who knows what 'balance' is really defined as? I think our bodies have their own (different) definitions. :)

  6. Couldn't agree more my comments on Facebook to Tosca and her team relayed the same message. She is the only one with any integrity in the business. I've been following her for a few years and she's never steered me wrong! Awesome review.
