Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Muscle Gauge Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate Review

Hi guys!

I mentioned yesterday that I would have a review for you all today, and here it is!

Thanks to being an Ambassador for FitFluential, I get to participate in many opportunities to review awesome products from all different sides of the spectrum. I was given the chance to review one of Muscle Gauge's products. How exciting! I ended up choosing their Pure Whey Protein Isolate in Cake Batter.

Yes, I said cake batter. It was a toss up between that and cinnamon bun... oh man it was a tough decision. But they also have these amazing flavors: chocolate, ice cream sandwich, rocky road, strawberry, unflavored, and vanilla. Oh my gosh, those flavors sound so legit! Before even trying the product I knew that I liked their creativity... and their nutritional stats. Check it.

A whopping 27.8g of Whey Protein Isolate, NOT concentrate. Isolate is the good, high quality protein that you should look for when purchasing whey protein powder. The powder looks to be not over-processed which gets an A+ in my book.

After doing my research I had to suffer wait a few days before my shipment of awesomeness arrived. When it did, I tore that package open like a kid in a candy store.

Gosh, isn't it just beautiful and glorious?! The taste was out of this world. It didn't taste fake or nasty at all. I bet if I didn't know it was protein powder and it was used to make a cake, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference!

This stuff is GOOD. I can't wait to dig into the other flavors. I've heard a lot of reviews from other bloggers about Muscle Gauge and they all seem to agree that these are high quality products and it's definitely worth it to pay the few extra dollars on this than going over to Wal-Mart and buying the cheap, low-quality whey concentrate. You can obviously taste the difference.

This is me, hugging my beloved MGN Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate. We're very much in love.

I've been using this fantastic product in a lot of different, creative recipes. I've made protein pancakes, protein waffles, protein microwave cakes, protein pudding, and have added it to my oats in the morning and nearly every single one of my smoothies. Typically, I stop drinking smoothies as fall starts coming around because they are so cold but I love this protein powder so much in my smoothies that I cannot give them up!

Also, being the busy teenager that I am, I am nearly always on the go, having to go here, there, and EVERYWHERE. When I can't get a good, solid meal in me due to my hectic schedule, you can bet that I am chugging protein shakes to keep me satisfied and give me a quick protein fix:

I've been putting scoops into my blender bottle and chugging as I go, while also noshing on an apple the size of my head and either cinnamon almonds or sea salt pistachios. It's a great rescue source for me when I need to get nutrition inside of my body!

Overall, MGN's Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate is AMAZING, and I am not just saying that. I love it. Some products I receive are good but don't make me want to go back and purchase more. However, I feel that when I run out of this stuff (and that dreaded day is close...), I will continue to buy it because it's just THAT GOOD.

Go try it. I'm telling you, you won't be sorry!

*All opinions are my own. I reviewed this product as an Ambassador for FitFluential and was not compensated. Thank you.*


  1. Awesome flavors ideas - more brands should do those, too bad this one has artificial flavors though :(

    1. Eh, I think in total it's a high quality product and I don't mind that there are some artificial flavors, but to each their own!

  2. You KNOW MGN is my all-time fave! :D The vanilla is the only protein I've been buying for like 2 years now haha I'm so addicted to it! I gotta branch out and try their other flavors now fo sho--this one sounds out of this world good! :D

    1. Hehe I know ;) I still have yet to try the vanilla! I am on a mission to try all of the flavors :)

  3. I have one of those blender bottles too... i really need to start using it more. Thanks for the info!


  5. I have never heard of MGN before! I feel out of the loop ;) Sounds yummy though!

    1. I just heard about them as well, but it seems like they are an up and coming protein powder brand :)

  6. i wanna eat cake better;) hahah :(
