Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Never Give Up, Never Give In

I never know how to start out a post, so typically I will say something like "Happy (insert the day of the week that it is here)!" Yeah. That's getting pretty lame. I need to step up my game here!

I feel like most of my posts lately have been some sort of review or whatnot. Not today! I really enjoy typing up posts regarding something about strength training or something else along the lines of that. Today will be one of those posts.

Well, what's the fancy subject I'll be touching on? Not giving up. Oh gosh, that sounds so cliche. "Never give up!" I am not going to lie, whenever I hear that, I get the sudden urge to roll my eyes. Everything is much easier said than done. Ain't that the truth!

I am not always directly affected my quotes. The quote "Never give up!" doesn't hit me hard. Sorry I'm not sorry. I can tell myself to never give up. Or I could just not give up with my actions, not my words.

When I first started strength training, I really loved doing legs. I would squat, lunge and deadlift until my legs were literally numb. I enjoyed it. But ever since I have pretty much doubled all the weight in my lifts, doing legs has seemingly become much more of a chore than something I enjoy.

A lot of you could argue that I could just simply not do legs at all. I mean, I'm only a teenager and shouldn't really worry about it, right? Why waste time on something I don't like to do at such a young age? Well, my answer is simply that I HATE doing legs when I'm actually doing it. The feeling I get after I have completed a very difficult leg workout is incredible. I feel like I could Hulk smash a concrete wall.


I could just quit when I feel immense pain building up in my legs. "Psh, four sets of squats? I've already done two and I'm really tired and my legs really hurt. I'm done now." <-- Uhm, if you know me, you will NEVER hear me say this. EVER. 

Case in point: yesterday I did a pretty intense plyometric/high rep leg workout with my trainer for something different, as I have been doing heavy legs for quite some time now.

While doing my normal box jumps, I totally slipped and ate metal like no other:

It hurt so bad. I didn't really tell my trainer how bad it hurt, because I wanted to keep going. I didn't want to stop because wittle Brittany gots a wittle booboo. However, this accident bruised my bone so very badly. At this very moment, two days later, my leg is still throbbing and it hurts to walk slightly. I kept going after that box jump though. I finished the reps and the other sets. I pounded through it.

Then I went to go do some lunges. I have been getting accustomed to heavy lunges, however I was doing a high rep workout and this required three sets of 20 reps per leg on lunges. Ugh. Not a fan. Nope. Not at all.

During that entire time, I just wanted to quit. Every time I lunged forward this was literally echoing in my head: "&#^$@(&!$^ I JUST WANT TO GO HOME AND STUFF MY FACE." After the second set, I almost quit. Yes, me, Miss I Have To Do Everything Perfectly, almost quit. NEVER.

I told myself that I had ONE set left. It would take maybe 5 minutes, if that. I had time to carve out a measly five minutes from my life. Sure it hurt NOW, but it won't hurt to look in the mirror when I have monster quads, now will it? ;)

My calves burned. My quads ached. My hamstrings felt like they were hit with a sledgehammer. Yet I persisted. I finished that last set, ran (more like limped) straight to my little locker, chugged my protein shake, and fled to my car to go to my sanctuary of a home. I am going to take it easy on the leg workouts until my ankle properly heals. I foresee a lot of icing in my future!

The moral of the story is simply to JUST. DO. IT. Stop making excuses, stop reminding yourself of the pain you are in, stop being pessimistic and dreading the workout. Think of the benefits. Most of the time, if you really hate it THAT much and it really hurts THAT bad, THOSE are the reps that count. THOSE are the reps that are going to initiate a response in your body to build muscle. Cherish them. You hate those reps now but you will love them later.

Never give up? *rolls eyes* Stop saying that, and just act upon it!

Questions: Do you keep going even if every muscle in your body is sore? How do you get the motivation to persist?


  1. WOO! This post got me PUMPED girl!!
    "Stop making excuses, stop reminding yourself of the pain you are in, stop being pessimistic and dreading the workout" Amen-- I think it's way to easy to get caught up in a downspiral of negativity. Gotta keep your head up and push through! :)

    1. Haha yes! It is definitely easier to be negative then positive! Keeping your head up is much more fun though :)

  2. Yes I have run through pain, lifted through sore muscles and probably more. I'm not sure what my motivation is. Something to think about.

  3. Brittany - you are SO WISE BEYOND YOUR YEARS! (<--- yes, that had to be in all caps) I loved reading this story. I love everything you stand for. I WILL meet you someday. You just keep on with your bad self. I adore thee.

    1. Aww thank you :) I can't wait to meet you and your gutsy self! I adore you as well :)

  4. Do it Britt! You rock! Such an inspiration :)

  5. wow, that looks like it kills! way to go though, I think we all have our own mantras that carry us through those rough times.

  6. For me, it's cardio. I don't like it but I keep myself going by thinking how I will feel if I DON'T finish.

    1. Gah, I completely agree with you on that one. Cardio seems like a hassle to me. But you're right--I feel awful when I don't finish but great when I do!

  7. oh no! I hope your leg is okay. At crossfit today we were talking about how someoen really messed up their leg once doing box jumps and now they can't do it anymore! It must be all in their head! its great that you kept going though and that you haven't been shyed off by it!

    1. Hehe yeah it's fine. :) And oh man that stinks! I really need to pay attention when I am doing them and not let my mind wander off! Thank you. I love my box jumps too much to give them up!

  8. Sorry to hear about your injury, Brittany. That looks like a pretty bad one too, so make sure that it heals properly before you do anymore work-outs.

    1. It's no problem. :) Don't worry, I'm letting my ankle rest up!

  9. This thought helped me through my workout today!:) I went so hard I was first in last out! And then discovered my stolen clothes and iPhone BUT it was a great workout and today was a great day! Thanks for the inspiration as always Brittany ;D

  10. That looks like an intense injury! Always keep going but always get enough rest ;)

  11. It actually healed pretty nicely but I now have a gnarly scar. Woo! War wounds ;)
