Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nosh Bar Review

Good morning! 

I have another review for you all. How exciting! I love doing reviews! I am always excited to help a company out by being 100% honest with what I truly think of the product as well as getting it 'out there' that these products exist!

I am reviewing The Nosh Bar today. I originally heard of them from the wonderful Alex. These bars are an all-natural, gluten free, grain free, no added refined sugar & "Paleo" friendly bar. They make a great quick and portable snack.

From the company's website:

The Nosh Bar is a “paleo” friendly all-natural, gluten-free, grain-free nutritional bar composed with the following ingredients; pumpkin seeds, almonds, dates, dried fruit, organic virgin coconut oil, grass fed whey protein powder, raw honey, coconut, pure vanilla extract and sea salt.

Each bar has 9g of protein, 14g of (healthy) fat, and 15g of carbs.

Sounds delicious, right?

I received three of their different flavors. Without further ado, here is my review...

Chocolate Cherry: 11/10

Quite honestly, I really dislike cherries. I don't get the appeal of them. I went into eating this with a optimistic approach and would ya look at that... it was DELICIOUS! It was perfectly sweet but not TOO sweet. It tasted like a dessert. WIN.

Almond Coconut Cranberry: 9/10

If there is anything I dislike more than cherries, it would probably be cranberries. And yet I was delightfully surprised once again. This was GOOD! I liked it but didn't fall out of my seat after eating it. It was very scrumptious, however.

Chocolate Espresso: 9/10

I love anything espresso flavored. Yum! Unfortunately, I had this after I had the chocolate cherry, so I didn't feel as if it quite lived up to the incredible taste of that. But this was still SO good and I would definitely eat them again.

I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday! If you haven't read my guest post on my idol Tosca Reno's blog, click here! :)

Question: Have you ever tried a Nosh bar before?


  1. MMMM Love those bars! :) The almond coconut cranberry one was my fave, but the chocolate cherry was DEFINITELY a close second. Man I'm drooling just remembering the flavors haha!

  2. you know my question... what is the sugar and sodium content like? :)

    1. Go here :) http://noshbar.com/nutritional-facts/

  3. I keep hearing about these! I haven't seen them in any stores here though. I might just have to order them online!

  4. I love them especially choc expresso hate cranberries so much I picked them out :D

    1. I ate the cranberries despite my distaste for them, and the bar was still good!

  5. I've never tried... but all three of those favors sound ridiculously good. I love cherries.

    1. They were good, especially coming from a girl who does not like cherries! :)
