Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Squat Like A Lady Interview

Happy Wednesday friends!

Today I am really excited because I have asked one of my favorite bloggers a few questions to share with you all. Who is it, you ask? Well it is none other than the beautiful and talented Sable from Squat Like A Lady!

Isn't she stunning? :) (Source)

Currently, Sable is prepping for a figure competition. I am an aspiring figure competitor and was curious to know how the whole process was going how she got here with her training, diet, and lifestyle! I love her style of writing and every single one of her posts draws me in. I hope you all enjoy!

1) How did you start heavy lifting? What were your thoughts on it starting out and how did they evolve into what you believe now?
Max started to try to convince me to lift in 2008. I can clearly remember one day he took me down to his basement and actually put me through a workout -  I can't remember exactly what we did but I hated it. I was huffing and puffing, uncomfortable, and I felt weak. He kept bugging me about it, though, so in the spring of 2010 he went on a pre-contest diet and I finally decided to jump in: I hopped on a variation of his diet since I was still overweight and started lifting. The rest, as they say, is history! =)

2) What is your favorite exercise and why?
Oooooh boy. I would have to say deadlifts. =) I just think the whole exercise looks so amazing when it's executed properly, and it works a TON of muscles - glutes, hamstrings, quads, traps, erector spinae, lats, even your rotator cuff.

She kicks butt at Romanian deadlifting! (Literally, they are good for the butt.) ;) (Source)

3) For teenagers like me starting heavy lifting programs, some people disagree with it because they claim that it stunts our growth and puts too much pressure on our joints. What do you have to say to this?
Whenever someone gives me that argument, I send them here:, if a growing teen strains something, they could damage that tendon/ligament/etc permanently...but they could do that running, too. (Great article, Sable! And good point!)

4) What is your eating philosophy? How has it changed throughout the years to develop into what your philosophy is now?
I don't believe in "eating clean." I do eat clean when prepping or dieting, but that's only because you can eat more food if you focus on chicken, beef, and veggies! When I first started out, though, I was focused on eating the fewest calories possible. Now, I know I have to fuel my workouts, my muscles, and my brain! :)

5) What are your thoughts on people too hesitant to treat themselves with their favorite foods once in awhile? Do you think the concept of 'eating clean' can be taken to the extreme?
Absolutely. Depriving yourself of anything for an extended period of time can certainly lead to a dangerous downward spiral.

6) How do you stay motivated to go the gym when you honestly don't feel like it at all?
Honestly, I have those days very rarely. Going to the gym is just part of my daily schedule, like sleeping or brushing my teeth or going to work. If I'm really sick I'll skip the gym until I'm feeling better, and if I'm injured I have to talk myself into staying home. In the end, though, I know I'll be back in the gym sooner if I stay out until I'm better.

7) I'll admit it, I HATE rest days, but this past weekend I took two days off because of an aching back and realized how much those two rest days were necessary. Do you like rest days? Why are they so important to you and what do you have to say to those who refuse to take them?
They are SO necessary!! You cannot build muscle if you are lifting every day. Beginners (people who have been lifting for 6-12 months or less) can usually handle more volume than intermediate lifters, who can handle more volume than advanced lifters. The more experienced you are, the more you need to rest, or you're undoing all of your hard work.

8) Who are some of your inspirations, whether they be in the fitness world or somewhere else?
Erin Stern, of course! :) I am also enamored of Jane Goodall. She has done so much for science and for animals.

Erin rocks! (Source)

9) What made you decide to compete in a figure competition? Has the experience been worth it during preparation so far?
I have wanted to compete in figure since I attended my first competition with Max three years ago. Up until a few months ago, I didn't think I'd be able to do it - to handle the diet, to handle the training, the actual act of getting on stage. The experience has been incredible. Watching my body change has been very interesting, and the process itself has really taught me a lot about myself. I am stronger than I ever thought, and that's so empowering.

10) What message do you try to get across to your readers when they read your blog?
My message is quite simply that strength, in all its forms, is beautiful, and anything is possible. I want to help people, especially women (sorry guys!) learn about lifting, nutrition, and their bodies. I feel like weight training can be so intimidating and overwhelming at first, and I want to make it simpler and more inviting.

Wow, Sable, this was awesome! A few things really stood out. First, saying that whether a teenager picks up a weight or runs, you can damage your tendons and whatnot. So I agree that the blame shouldn't all be pinned on lifting! Second, I think that the whole 'eating clean' thing is a good idea in essence, but I do agree with Sable that as long as you are fueling your body, you are set! And lastly, I can't help but admire how Sable is honest and open about everything. Sable rocks!

Once again, a huge thank you goes out to Sable and I would appreciate if everyone went out to check her blog! It's full of very useful information and is so fun to read! Sable's competition is coming up soon so let's all band together and support this fantastic woman. :)

Questions: What stood out to you? What would you ask Sable if you had the chance?


  1. I find figure competitions so interesting- but what I really love is the emphasis on strength training being good for women!

  2. I love this post, thank you for sharing I am always looking for inspiration to get into strength training. She brought just that.

  3. I love Sable. She is such an inspiration!

  4. Awesome job interviewing her, Brit!!!
    I definitely learned a lot, and I loved that question about teenagers lifting! You know what's interesting? I've also heard before that the risk for injury is a lot higher when playing sports like basketball, because a ton of factors are uncontrolled. People jumping at one another, pushing, and shoving others around for a ball.. Well.. You get the picture. The only thing you're fighting in weightlifting is the weight and/or gravity. So really, which sounds more harmful now? lol, some weight you've worked up to lifting or some huge kid tackling you for a ball? You be the judge of that. ;)

    I loved all of your questions, and I repeat.. I learned A LOT. :D

    1. Yes, I loved that question too, and thanks! I think with EVERY sport there is 'risk for injury' but people tend to point their fingers at weightlifting because there are more common injuries in the sport due to egotistical people thinking that they can lift more than they actually can and then getting hurt. Thanks once again Katie. :)

  5. Great job - I think it is great that you are so into fitness at a young age and I am so glad I found your blog!!!

    1. Oh gosh that means the world for me to hear! Thank you!

  6. ahh. Squatty Sable. I lurves that gal. Thanks for the interview, Britt! I do visit Squatty's blog, but now I know even more about her! (and nice to meet you. my first time here)

    1. Hehe, no problem at all! And nice to meet you as well. I will be taking a stroll through your website now and cannot wait! :)

  7. Great interview and questions! I love Sable's attitude toward competing and there's some good advice for people just getting into lifting!
