Saturday, August 25, 2012

Little Smiles

What's up guys!?

It's Saturday, and to be 100% honest I'm not really feeling like one of my more fitness-related posts. Recently, I've been finding the circumstances of my life improving and I feel like I need to show gratification for it. 

It's the little things.

It truly is. Alex did a post on her little smiles not too long ago, and I think for today that I am going to jump on this bandwagon and name a few things that elicit a smile in me. Whether it's a little smirk of a smile or a wide grin, it nonetheless fills me with happiness, right?

1. This Sisters in Iron shirt from Tosca Reno.

Gosh, I just love it. When I got it in the mail, I ripped it open like a bull in a china shop. I immediately tore off the shirt I had on (man, that sounds really inappropriate...not like THAT...) and threw this one on. And, naturally, I proceeded to take 100 pictures of myself in it. It's not only comfortable, but it's super cute and has a great message. I am proud to be a female teenager representing all the sisters in iron of the world. Tosca and her team rock. :)

2. Puppies. Of all kinds.


Here's a little test that will determine whether or not you have the initial heart of the Grinch or not: Look at this picture. If it makes your heart melt, you're safe. If it doesn't, you're doomed. Haha, just kidding. I know not EVERYONE is swayed by the cuteness of puppies (well that's like .00001% of the population). I love dogs of all kinds though. I'm such a dog person. :)

3. This song.

Oh my gosh... this song... EPIC. My dad used to play this song for me all the time as a little girl along with some other really weird 70's, 80's and 90's songs. This one always made me want to dance around though. Whenever I'm in a 'funk' of sorts, I sing this song in my head and instantly my mood is uplifted. This song will forever be archived in my list of favorites!

4. The feeling after a tough workout.

Okay, so I had to sneak something fitness-related in here. But seriously, I love exercise endorphins, especially after a really heavy lifting session. It feels incredible. I'm like a jacked up Energizer Bunny on crack from all of the endorphins and adrenaline coursing through my veins. The DOMs the next day usually tells me that I shredded my muscles apart, but I could do without the unbearable pain after doing glutes because at my school, we have the hardest chairs evarrr and it KILLS to sit down on them.  But I earned it!

5. My mom being my biggest fan.

She's going to murder me for posting this picture but OH WELL since she won't take any others from me. ;) Katie mentioned that she saw my mom had commented on one of my posts and on my Twitter. Yup! My mom is my #1 fan and supports me in everything that I do. What more could I ask for? She really puts things into perspective for me. I love her. <3

Well, there's five little smiles for this lovely Saturday. I hope you all have a great weekend. I have super duper exciting things coming up for me on the blog and in real life so I can't wait to share it with you all. :)

Questions: What's a little smile of your own for today?


  1. Since you posted a picture of me without make-up, you are back on dishwasher duty.... Britt I am and always will be your # 1 fan.

  2. Mom's a great, aren't they? I'm blessed not only to have my Mom be my biggest fan, but also to have her be my best friend. So glad you shared what she means to you! We never show our appreciation enough!

    1. Indeed they are! I think (especially kids my age) think moms are totally 'uncool' but I love my mommy. After all, she birthed me, right?

  3. I relinquish rights to my mom to you. That will give you the ability to have posts about how badly you want to practice karate on a live person. :P We should totally sign your mom up for one of those 'surprise' reality shows. That way, not only will everyone see pictures, but also have video footage on national tv. It would be an awesome upcoming birthday present, wouldn't it?

    1. Haha I don't think she'd like that too much. ;)

  4. Thanks for the smiles today! :)

  5. My mom is my number 1 fan too! It's great to have that kind of relationship. She's the first person I call up when I need to get anything off my chest =) Moms are the best!

    1. I agree! I love mothers. Always there for their kiddos! <3

  6. YAYAY little smiles! These are all great, I kind of want your mom. It made me miss mine for sure. They really know how to make you feel amazing. Don't they?

    1. Hahaha you are a trendsetter girlfran. ;) And they do indeed!

  7. Ok... #3 makes me feel old. I loved that song. Bought the album. LOL!

    Getting my hair cut has made me smile today. :)

    1. I love love love it. It's one of my pump up songs :)

      I saw your haircut on Instagram. Looking lovely as always! Love it! <3

  8. My little smile for today is that I get to dance almost everyday still. I've been dancing since I was two years old ( I'm twenty now) and I've tried every style, now I mostly do hip hop choreography and I still love it to death. And I get to dance with people who are just as passionate as I am, and it makes me forget about the world. I mean I love lifting and I love being with my family but when I dance, I'm not worrying about when I should eat, I don't feel antsy and it doesn't matter what my body looks like. I get to wear my favorite clothes to dance in and go off--I feel like myself when I dance. It's an amazing feeling. Definitely thanking God for that today cuz I've been smiling nonstop about it :)

    1. This definitely made me smile. I love when people find their passions like this. Dance has obviously had a large impact in your life. That's awesome--keep it up. :) Hip hop dancing intrigues me!!!! :)

  9. Aw, thanks for the shout out Britt! :D
    You're momma's awesome.. And does it make me a stalker that I paid particular attention to her comment for today's post? You guys are adorable and I love the mother-daughter love! :)

    Another thing I love? That Futurama quote/picture-thing. I can totally relate! I love how I can fall asleep so easily at night (or during the day), when I've worked out hard and already showered!

    1. For sure! And no of course not--a lot of people did. :) Thank you!

      Oh yes I love my workouts :)

  10. Moms really do make the best fans! Oh, that puppy photo...I'm melting.

    1. They do! And I know right?! When I saw that on Pinterest on died haha!
