Thursday, July 5, 2012

Updated Progress

Hello hello everyone. :)

How was everyone's 4th of July? I had a really nice 4th of July with my mom and my brother. Unfortunately, my dad had to work but we partied as if he was with us!

I had this egg white omelette stuffed to the brim with Applewood smoked bacon, avocado, green bell pepper, tomatoes, and basil. I also had the side of a fruit on top of another side of fruit, which included grapes, strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and blueberries. (*Please note that this was one of my smaller meals and I am eating a lot more than just this, before I get any comments saying I am not eating 'enough' to fuel muscle growth.)

It's been a little bit of time since I posted about my progress. For any of you that actually care (or are just bored and want to read my ramblings), then you have come to the right place!

I shall mention again that I am in the process of 'bulking' or in Brittany talk, getting to a healthy level so that it is possible to achieve my goals. That sounds so much cooler, right? 


In total, I have gained about 10 pounds. It may *seem* like not  a lot, but for someone who has struggled to put on some weight for quite some time, it's like finding that light at the end of the tunnel!

Yesterday, I worked on my hip abductors and adductors as well as my shoulders with my trainer. I posted a balance workout over at Meg's blog here, and I truthfully believe it is incredibly necessary to include these. I could do a heavier squat than I am doing now but my trainer wants to be 100% positive that I have the correct stability in my hips to be able to perform a heavier squat with perfect form. No legs caving inwards, no squatting until my knees pass my toes. It is a process, and although I am very anxious to load the plates on the bar and squat it out, I need to make sure I have the ability to do so. What's the point of doing it if I don't have the correct form to ensure that I am making gains and not injuring myself?

Like I mentioned, I also did shoulders, which is another one of my harder muscle groups to target. My shoulders do not want to grow. But I do understand that shoulders are not very easy to look like boulders. I love Tara's advice about doing her shoulders, and I do believe that having those nice round shoulders with the V-shaped back is the epitome of what fit-minded girls would like to look like.

Pauline Nordin has an awesome V-taper.

On the eating front, I have increased my calories even more, with a large emphasis on my carbs. My legs are also very stubborn. It is 'easier' to build the legs when you are much smaller, like my trainer. I mean, it makes sense, right? If you're smaller, your legs are more compact and your muscles are more tightly 'packed' together in your leg. When you're taller, you have longer legs and the muscles are more 'stretched' out, so it's harder so add mass to them. But I shall prevail. Look at Erin Stern: at 5 ft. 8 in. she has incredible legs! It is possible, friends.

Incredible legs!

It's not something I particularly enjoy about being taller, but at least I can reach the top shelf! Ha ha, just kidding (sort of).

For this reason, the amounts of carbs I consume on leg days exceeds other days. My upper body has responded nicely to the strength training that I have been doing, but my legs are a little more resistant. I do understand that it takes years to mature the muscles to the level of Nicole Wilkins or Erin Stern, but I'll be damned if I don't work towards it. 

Here's a little 'progress' picture that I took in my gym's bathroom (yes, I am SO weird). I get extremely vascular when I lift, and I kind of like it. Think what you will, I think it makes me look like one tough iron diva! 

As you can somewhat see, my biceps are coming in. I would like to see more triceps, but triceps are stubborn as well. You can't see my back, but that's definitely the muscle group that has responded the most. When I do back day, the muscles in my back like to come out and say hello. It is one thing that I am very proud of, if I do say some myself. ;)

In conclusion, I would just like to remind ANYONE who is trying to put on muscle that food is NECESSARY. Eat big to BE big (in musculature). Some girls can get away with eating 2,200 calories to put on mass. But in my case, I require A LOT more. You have to find the right amount that works for YOU. It's a mind game, that is for sure, and I think Sable hit the nail on the head in this post when she described that bulking is easy when you're pounding the weights in the gym or eating. Everything else in between is super hard. Just remember what your goals are. Push past the anxiety. I know some people are afraid of the little extra fat, but let's be realistic: it happens. There is NO way you can reach your goals of having a lean, muscular physique if you don't take that extra step to put on the muscle in the first place. And of course, REST is essential as well. Muscles grow outside of the gym. You tear them apart IN the gym, sure, but when you're recovering with your proper amounts of food and rest, the muscles are being repaired and in doing so, are building more cells to create more muscle. I can be the first one to admit that I despise rest days, but I understand their necessity. If you're eating 2,200 calories or so in a bulking phase and putting nothing on, upper OR lower body, that's a clear indication to eat your fears for breakfast and up the food intake. 

*Please note that I am NO nutritionist and/or personal trainer. I am just an observant, whimsical girl who learned this the hard way, and desires to help those going through the same issues.

I hope you enjoyed this. I know it was kind of long, but then again, I am all over the board with my posts. Enjoy the rest of your day. :)

Questions: How are you progressing your fitness journey, whether that's losing fat or gaining muscle or whatever it is? Do you have any advice for me? What's the one muscle group that responds well for you, like back does for me?


  1. You really are working hard so congrats on sticking with the plan. it must be nice to have a trainer help you along the way. Way to go!

  2. I loved this post so much Britt! I really think you're wise beyond your years. Sometimes my mind strays from my "bulking" goals because of society's messages or what friends say about the massive amounts of food I eat, but when I read stuff like this, I get re-inspired and back on track! Thank you!!! <3
    That omelette sounds AMAZING too mmmm :)
    PS-- your progress is rockin, your hard work and perseverance is really paying off!

    1. Thank you Alex! I hear ya, everyone is so caught up in this "thinspitation" crap that i's hard to keep my goals in mind sometimes. I always get nit-picky comments about how I eat too much but I am still "really skinny." *rolls eyes* You're welcome, and THANK YOU for not only being one of my favorite bloggers but for sharing that AMAZING sweet potato peanut butter ice cream!

  3. Congrats on your progress and I'm so in love with the way you talk about this process! I know you've already come a long way but as a young person this healthy, positive attitude will get you far! Your arms are rockin'! I've been making good progress but I think I need to up my carbs again. I don't think I have a muscle group that I can tell responds better than others...I know my right arm is dominant and that drives me insane. ;) A 10lb gain is awesome and HARD work. I think I've gained about 7lbs in 12 weeks but this turned into sort of learning period about how many cals and carbs I really need for my body to respond, so next time I start bulking I'll have a much better sense of what I need.

    1. Thank you! I know how you feel about the arms, it seems like my right arm can curl more than my left. I'm such a perfectionist so that bothers me so much lol! 7 lbs. is awesome and shows how hard you have been working. That's amazing! You're right--you have to play around with the different levels of the macros to find what makes you bulk. Carbs make me so lethargic but the more I eat, the more I put on (but that's a given haha). Thanks for the awesome feedback :)

  4. Love this! I'm in the SAME place you are...I just posted about my new workouts today. I want muscle:) You are looking awesome!

    1. Woo! You have my support to the end. :) I will check them out!

  5. You write so beautifully! Lifting is a process. I don't let any of my clients progress to full back squats until they've been training with me for at least two months, on average. I see so many people out there just jumping straight into it, without taking the time to focus on building up proper form or strength in the accessory muscles.

    I'm still convinced that shoulders are the hardest body part for women to build, because they are so small and weak by their very nature. Keep at it and you'll see great progress! You will be the next Erin Stern considering you're starting so young!

    1. Thank you Tara! I agree. You are a very smart trainer and I think half of the 'trainers' out there need to learn a thing or two from you. I see people doing squats and bending their legs all over. They look like they are going to kill themselves! I want SO BAD to jump right into it but I want to be able to do it right. :)

      Shoulders are incredibly hard. I've tried everything and nothing seems to move them. But progress will come about I am sure. I mean, look at yours! They have definitely developed!! Thank you so much :)

  6. Great to read your progress - you have a great attitude! Keep up the hard work and it will fun you watch you meet your goals! :)

  7. Girl you are seriously and inspiration! It takes women years to understand what you already know and you are only 15?? I work with a a large youth group your age and all of them always want to know my workouts and how to be fit but non of them have the dedication to follow a proper diet. I'm gonna have to send them over to your site for motivation! Congrats on your progress!! Keep up the hard work and dedication!

    1. Just turned 16 but yes! Send them over. I'd love to teach them! Thank you so much for this. Your comment made me smile :)

  8. Great progress girl! Keep it up!

  9. You definitely understand the bulking process & that is the most important part!! You are making great progress - keep it up!

  10. I love what you said about short people having more muscular legs. I always get comments on mine at random times, even before I started to work out. I used to be insecure about them, thinking that they were too bulky and gross, and even went as far as trying to lose weight just so that they'd look smaller.. I just wound up losing a ton of muscle there and looking sickly everywhere else! Bad move on my part, because I had to take a ton of time to put some healthy weight back on and rebuild some of my old muscles. Now I'm happy to be sort of back to where I started, but with a bit more definition in my muscles, and I'm glad I've learned from that experience.
    Honestly, I'm really hating the advertising industry for even making me believe in the first place that my legs were too bulky and big/not small enough. You're so right every time you talk about how they uphold being skinny like it's beautiful, when really STRONG is beautiful, CONFIDENCE is beautiful. With all of the "thinspiration" and other stuff telling us that not eating and losing weight shows control and strength, it's hard for me to remember what's healthy and what I need to do to accomplish my goals sometimes. So thanks for being a breath of fresh air and for being the strong person that you are-- you motivate me to be so much better and to get as strong as you. :) Keep it up, and keep being you! :D

    1. Sorry that this was the longest comment ever and that a lot of it focused on me.. lol, I just had a lot to say, which isn't really a rare thing. :P Love you, girl! :)

    2. Oh please Katie! Comments like these make me smile. :) You should feel super confident with your muscular legs--I would die to have those babies! I am so PROUD of you for realizing that they are not an omen, they are a blessing! The advertising industry is so messed up. On the news today, they were talking about the old 50's and 60's advertisements encouraging WEIGHT GAIN. How strange that the times have seriously changed. Never feel bad for the legs that you have. They are strong and awesome! Keep up YOUR great work. Love ya too girl! :)

  11. Congrats on your progress! It is always such an amazing feeling to see progress in yourself and feel great. Girl, I am 5'9 & 1/2 so trust me, I know how it feels to be tall and long :D My legs are actually the most muscular part of me! It looks like you have a TON of determination and knowledge, so you will get to where you want to be soon enough! <3

    1. Thank you Brittany! Man, you are tall but that's awesome! I wish my legs were muscular. :( It always seems like you KILL your leg workouts too. :) Thank you for the support. <3
