Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Doing What You Don't Like To Do

Does anyone else feel incredibly excited, happy and strong when they perform an exercise that they like and can do well?

I do. For me, one of my favorite exercises that I perform well are box jumps. I'm sure I could do the highest box, but I am too afraid to try! I already have really beat up ankles with so pretty nasty bruises from other things, such as hitting my ankles on just about everything, so I am waiting to be fully healed before I try anything. ;)

One exercise that I dread doing are Bulgarian split squats.

UGH. And here's the funny thing: my trainer knows of my distaste for the exercise but usually every time we work on legs with a focus on quads, she makes me do these. Why? Well for one, they are an amazing exercise to really target the quads. And for two, she knows that if we didn't do them, I would never do them myself because I really just don't like them. So by forcing me to do them, I get better at them, they become *slightly* more bearable, I overcome my fear, and she gets to see me being tortured.

If you know my trainer, if you tell her something along the lines of "I don't want to do burpees today so let's do anything but said exercise." Guess what? You just bought yourself a one-way ticket on the burpee train. Expect to puke from doing 100 burpees just for saying that.

That is why I NEVER say "I don't want to do Bulgarian Split Squats," around her because she'll probably focus my workout around that exercise. ;) But we will probably end up doing it anyhow...

The point is, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. For the most part, you'll feel tens time better when you get it over with. When I finish that last set of Bulgarian split squats, I feel like my quads are like Hulk. I feel like I am proud of myself for pushing through it, and now I am on top of the world.

I am always reminded that you must go through the storm to get to the rainbow.

I know how cliche that sounds, but it's true! 

I can apply this to a lot of things in my life: In order to get the muscle I desire, I have to swallow my pride and eat like never before, as well as find the patience to let my muscles mature. That could take years. In order to get into an advanced college, I must study for all my quizzes and tests, do all my homework, and maintain good grades. I have to put in the effort!

It's worth it when you get what you want, am I right or am I right? ;)

Questions: What is one exercise that you legitimately cannot stand but still push yourself to do? Why do you push yourself to do it? What's one other thing that you can apply this to?


  1. I always forget that little fact that sometimes doing things you don't want to do are what you HAVE to do to be stronger, happier, etc.

    1. Exactly! It's easy to do the things you LIKE to do but it's much more rewarding to get through what you don't like to do :)

  2. Haha! Your trainer sounds a lot like mine. That's why we pay them - to push us to do the things it's hard to make yourself do.

    1. Very true! If she let me get away with what I wanted, then I wouldn't be getting ym money's worth! LOVE her. :)

  3. I avoid doing Bulgarian Split Squats, too. Just because my form stinks and I always need someone to watch me to make sure that I'm doing it right.

    1. Well don't avoid them! As long as your knee doesn't go too far out, then you are good. Make sure the leg out is stepped out far enough. :)

  4. This is the case for burpees and plyos for me. I pretty much hate them but I've been bulking so I haven't been doing much cardio. I'm about to slow my bulk and add cardio so I'm going to force myself to do plyos regularly because I know my body will respond because I never do them. Sigh. You're right, we have to focus on the big goal.

    1. I LOVE plyos but I HATE burpees. Do you see my issue? Lol! I think you are doing a fantastic job with Shortcut to Size. You're proving that women can do it! I am sorry to hear about doing cardio... not that much of a fan! But I am glad you know you have to get through it! You're going to look kickin' ;)

  5. I have a love/hate relationship with Bulgarian split squats. I haaaaate doing them, but I love the burn I get after. I think burpees have got to be the all-time worst exercise for me! I don't make my clients do them often though ;)

    1. I agree! The burn afterwards is worth it, but it hurts like NO OTHER. Same with burpees! You're clients are lucky, my trainer kills her clients with burpees. It's awful. Luckily, I am more on a muscle building plan so I don't have to do them often, only when I give her sass ;)

  6. Great post. I love box jumps too, bulgarian split squats too!
    What exercise i don't like... i find tricep exercises to be boring? But can't think of one that i hate!

    1. I agree! Triceps aren't my favorite to work. I think it's because I suck at working them as I can never get the form right. It's so frustrating!
