I have a special guest on the blog here. I am so excited for this!
Her name is Liz and she is a tough chick with a no excuses approach to fitness, which of course I love! Please go check her blog over at bodybyliz.blogspot.com. I read every.single.one of her blog posts because they're so real! Go check it out, seriously.
Hey everyone! I use the term "everyone" to reach out to Britt's loyal readers, my loyal readers, or people just checking out Miss Fit Britt's blog for the first time!
My name is Liz, and I started blogging In January at www.bodybyliz.blogspot.com. I am almost 20 years old, and am currently a student (on summer break now thank God) living and breathing fitness and health in NYC.
I'm going to use this post as a way to encourage more people to understand why it is important to do EVERYTHING with 110%...especially when it comes to smashing your goals head-on. If you want something, you must convince yourself to NEED it. Do NOT be another one of those people sitting on the couch thinking, "Hmm, I wanna lose 20 pounds. Starting tomorrow, juice cleanse." Then reach back into the value sized bag of tortilla chips.
NO!!!! There are so so so many things wrong with that approach. Guess why? You might lose 20 pounds, but will you have GAINED anything? Gained strength? Gained a better awareness of how your body responds to different foods or methods of dieting? Will you have gained a LOVE for healthy foods and exercising? Will you gain a better awareness of how to spread health and fitness and change the way you live the rest of your life?
Not necessarily...
So, my opinion of the PROPER way to assess this scenario would be to COMMIT to changing both your lifestyle and outlook on the way you use your body. Instead of sitting on the couch after a long day with tortilla chips instead of dinner, make small changes--have some avocado, natural salsa, and brown rice or a whole grain tortilla with added chicken or eggs whites. Changing the way you eat is the first step. Instead of frozen yogurt on the daily, COMMIT to putting your plain Greek yogurt in the freezer, and adding sweetener and some dark chocolate or fresh fruit...hey, maybe even protein powder and chia seeds! WHOA!!
In terms of exercise, no more "Let me force myself to get on the elliptical and stay on until the machine says 1,000 calories burned. Then I can eat whatever I want and not get fat." Listen. The machines are wrong. They overestimate a TON, unless you are a 175 pound MAN, the calorie count is overestimating by 30-50%. Instead, approach workouts with INTENT. Aim to strengthen your muscles, sweat, and bust through strength plateaus---this will get you through fat loss plateaus. Seeing new muscles and veins pop out is far more rewarding than the elliptical telling you 1,000 calories were burned...even though you don't even need to change your shirt from sweat. Even if you have 30 minutes to spare, you can kick your butt, and contribute to your strength and weight loss goals significantly.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Losing 20 pounds isn't the focus here. Or at least, it shouldn't be. Becoming a better YOU is the focus. Commit to doing more positive and healthy things for yourself. Learning to enjoy the gym, or runs with a friend, or hot yoga with complete strangers. Learning to look forward to waking up to oats for breakfast, or making a healthy meal to eat at work. Appreciating your health, and making an impact on those around you. COMMIT to THOSE things. THAT is what is truly important. The weight loss, the improved appearance, smaller jeans...that will ALL come. Everything falls into place when your mindset is clear and driven by good intentions.
Fun Fact: In the past 2 years, I've lost about 20 pounds. Gone from wearing a size 8-10 to wearing 2s and 4s (0s in some stuff!). But NEVER did I say "Okay. I'm done. No more being thick. Time to lose weight." I thought like that ALL through high school...and guess what? It never EVER worked! Pace yourself, and COMMIT. The body and physique can always be a work in progress. Never be discouraged, but never settle for mediocracy. Commit to everything you do, and you WILL reach your goals.
Thank you for reading!!
And THANKS a MILLION to Britt for letting me write this monster post!
I could not agree more with everything Liz said. It takes work, people! She said everything to perfection. Now, go check out her blog! Have a great Tuesday!
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