Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Training Philosophies

Alright so in my last post I talked about how my training philosophies have changed pretty substantially.

I should preface this by saying that I lifted at a smaller gym that was my life for about two and a half years. It is where my journey started, where I made a lot of friends in the form of lifting buddies who were all about dat broscience, and it is where my heart tingles whenever I drive past it because it has quite the sentimental value to me.

Unfortunately, I got into a dispute with the manager and my membership was terminated (me + my anger = mayhem). I won't get into why we got into a dispute (although is was some BS) but I truly believe it pushed me to find a better niche. I went from there to an LA Fitness where I went for about four months. I couldn't get into it there. It wasn't a bad gym, but I couldn't find any bros, and most of the time I would get hit on by creepy dudes who felt the need to "spot" me all the time even if I was warming up with the bar. So I left, and followed a good friend of mine who was just getting into working to a verrry small gym with the weight room the same size as a walk-in closet. It had the essentials, so I went there for about two months. At LA and the small gym is where I relaxed a bit on the training. I didn't go balls to the wall every time because I knew I needed to give myself both a mental and physical break. I did some cardio to relieve stress and I did essential compound exercises for the most part, but didn't go too heavy, and didn't push myself at all. I was basically in a slump.

Then, a really cool dude who used to go to my original gym told me about this larger gym that is a renovated Gold's Gym. I was hesitant at first because I didn't think I would belong at a place like that and I didn't want to spend the extra money for the amenities that the gym supplies. But when I was still at the tiny gym one day, I knew I wasn't satisfied and I knew I wanted to get back into serious lifting which I couldn't do at the small gym because the gym had never seen things like chalk and grunting.

I signed up at the former Gold's Gym and I looooove it. I'm not even uncomfortable when I step in the weight room because there are people from all shapes and sizes. At the small gym, the cardio section overwhelmed the place but here, there are two small sections for cardio and that's about it. (And they have TVs!!!) There is one free weight section, a Hammer Strength/Cybex/Icarian machine section, and a section with all the other lame machines that no one cares about. (Can you tell which two sections I like to stick to?) There's also a small Women's Fit Studio for women uncomfortable with the idea to move on to the big boy weights and a section with green felt (don't know what to call it?) with kettlebells, PROWLERS, and where people do their box jumps and walking lunges.

So yeah, basically it's my swole haven.

I've trained with the guy who introduced me to the place a few times (and he kicks ass/is huge for being 18) and I've trained by myself and each time I walk out of there feeling I should do the bro walk so I can show off my swaggy swag.

My principles to lifting as of right now is as follows (since I still like making lists):

1. If you can push out a few more reps, push them out.
I tend to underestimate my strength a lot. So I'll grab a certain weight and mentally envision myself doing a set number of reps, say for example 12 reps. And then I get to 12 reps, and I don't stop simply because that's what my training regimen says for the day. I push out a few more because why the hell wouldn't I? I'm not going to stop because the workout plan says I need to stop at 12. One time I told myself to do 12 reps and I ended up pushing out 25 (with proper form, of course). Underestimation to the max.

2. Compound exercises > Isolation exercises
I won't ever ever ever start a workout with an isolation exercise unless it is for the simple reason of pumping blood into a muscle for very light reps, or if I was doing pre-exhaustion (which I am currently still learning about). You gotta save your prime energy for the hard exercises FIRST; this is what I was always taught and what works best for me. I'm not going to exert too much energy and burn out after a few sets of leg extensions or machine shoulder presses. That's stupid. I'm going to recruit more muscle fibers doing the compounds and use my energy for that reason. If it's hard to do seated hamstring curls after doing deadlifts, you know you kicked ass. Plus it's a lot cooler to say "I hit *this* amount of weight on deadlifts" instead of saying "yeah bro I hit *this* amount of weight on hamstring curls". #sorrynotsorry

3. 1-8 reps for strength / 8-12 reps for building muscle
I'm just starting to learn how powerlifting philosophies differ from bodybuilding philosophies. I see powerlifters all the time who aren't necessarily "jacked". This is apparently because they are more worried with hitting a good rep of the heaviest weight possible, and in their rep range, their body builds strength over muscle. (I always thought muscle equates to strength, but this is not at all true). Bodybuilders are more concerned with the aesthetic of their appearance, and want to look as muscular as possible, not lift a certain amount of weight. Bodybuilders usually utilize the 8-12 rep range because this rep range tends to put on muscle. That's not to say you can't gain muscle in the 1-8 rep range. There's a psychologist at my school who is super muscular but she is not a bodybuilder, she is a powerlifter. I am starting to mix both bodybuilding and powerlifting training techniques into my workouts because I want to look hella swole, but I also want to be hella strong. (Sure sir, let me open that pickle jar for you because I'm strong as helllll)

4. I emphasize training in my life because it is my safe haven.
Sometimes, I place the gym before my homework. I do get it done, but I'd rather go to the gym then struggle doing stupid calculus homework. #sorrynotsorry If I can't get to the gym after school when I usually go, I will wake up at 4 just to be there. I go to the gym on the weekends, and I will never sacrifice my happy time to make someone else happy. If someone texted me saying they needed to talk because they're feeling super depressed and needed me to pick them up ASAP (which happens a lot because people like talking to me) I would without a doubt drop the dumbbell in my hands and speed on over there. However, if someone asked me to come over at a certain time to spend the day with them, I would politely tell them I will be over AFTER I get my swole on. This may seem stupid to some people but it's how I roll. You can deal with the happy, endorphin-filled Brittany after she works out, OR you could choose the crabby, about-to-snap-on-a-hoe Brittany who hasn't worked out. Your choice.

5. I lift heavy and push myself to move on to the next set of weights.
I used to have this mentality that I couldn't lift a certain amount of weight because I wouldn't be able to do it. But how in the world are you going to get stronger if you won't take the leap of faith and start using heavier weights? People often times get way too comfortable--the dreaded "comfort zone" and ultimately they end up plateauing fast. You won't continue to put on muscle and build strength if you use the same weight each and every time. It is obviously going to be very intimidating, but even if you get a few good reps you feel like the Hulk is your biological father. Period. When I was at LA Fitness and the small gym, I never pushed myself to lift heavier because I was way too afraid to ask for a spotter and I justified this by saying "I don't want to injure myself". People frequently judge the "meatheads" in the weight room very quickly, not understanding that just because a person is muscular/lifting heavy ass weight does NOT imply that they are unapproachable and unfriendly. If you don't have a training partner and you need a spot, ASK someone. No one is going to be an asshole and tell you no, unless of course they are truly a douchebag, in which case that is not a reflection on YOU. The other day, I was doing shoulder presses and I didn't have my partner with me but I was nervous of moving up without a spot, so I asked this very kind gentleman to spot me. On the first set of "heavy" weights that I held myself back from because of self-doubt, I got 8 reps with "perfect form wow" (quoted from the spotter) and actually ended up not needing him in the first place! Never doubt your ability to lift heavy ass weight and be friendly and open in the gym! Even though I didn't need the guy later on, he kept an eye on me just in case because that's how fellow lifters are. We are a swole family that looks out for each other!

6. Workouts don't have to be three hours.
Nope, as long as you get your exercises in and you feel like you pumped that ish out, you're good for the day. Go home, and stop questioning whether you ought to stay more and do more pointless exercises. I used to do this all the time. My superset workouts last about 45 min. to an hour and my straight set workouts can be anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. If I am feeling antsy, I may stay two hours but that's rare, even when I do HIIT cardio. Get in, get out, get swole.

7. "Overtraining" LULZ
I used to believe in overtraining: working a muscle too long or too frequently in a week and "burning out." When I believed this crap, I didn't see any gains. None. CT Fletcher (look him up on YouTube) definitely helped me change this mentality. Overtraining is a load of bullshit in MY opinion. If I see a muscle lagging behind, I am going to work it more frequently so it grows. Currently, my biceps fall way behind my triceps and I do biceps about three times a week and I've noticed a lot more progress. And my hamstrings also fall behind my quads, so I need to give them more love and attention too. I don't recommend doing chest and biceps (I'm talking to the teenage boys out there) but then again, they say that Tom Platz, a.k.a. best legs in bodybuilding history, squatted for hours and hours during the week so his legs could get that big and he didn't "burn out" so there's that for "overtraining." (Also note he back squatted 500 lbs. for 23 reps so HA)

8. I like to mix it up!
I cannot even begin to FATHOM how some lifters can do the same routine for like six weeks straight... HOW. I get bored so very easily; I have an attention span of a freaking goldfish. Doing the same exercises, with the same variation, for the same amount of sets and reps is so dismal. I just can't. At max, I will do the same routine twice in a row and that is IT. People may argue that you won't see how you progress unless you follow the same routine but I don't care. I like switching up variations of exercises (for example: front squats and back squats) and switching between giant sets and supersets and straight sets and how many sets I do, etc. I personally believe that your body is so very intelligent. It gets too accustomed too fast to certain routines and you plateau, simple as that. When you give it a stimulus to grow by shocking it with different exercises (since it thinks you'll be doing the same routine), you grow! Like I said, it has PERSONALLY WORKED FOR ME and if you do the same routine all power to ya.

My apologies for the word vomit and if you made it this far, amen brotha/sista. May the anabolic gods me with you.

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