Monday, October 22, 2012

The Cheat Meal Controversy

Hey guys! Back again!

I actually put a lot of thought into this post, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

So... that dreaded (and sometimes welcomed) term "cheat meal"... well, it's no secret that I don't like it. The term 'cheat' has a negative connotation attached to it. When someone 'cheats' on their spouse, it's  a bad thing. When someone 'cheats' on an exam, it's a bad thing. So why does 'cheating' on your diet have to be a bad thing? It doesn't.

If I had a penny for every time I heard a girl (or a guy, to be realistic) say, "OMG so I had a little bite of this really fatty pizza last night. I'm going to die and get FAT," let's be honest, I'd be one rich son of a gun. 

I am so sorry, but I can't help but do some major eye-rolling at this. It's quite frankly annoying. God forbid you eat something you enjoy once in awhile, and automatically that's a bad thing? I don't think so. If you've been going really hard on your diet throughout the week, have been consistent with your workouts, and want a treat then why the heck not?! Some say it may totally destroy your progress but it honestly depends on the individual. It truly does.

And no, I don't consider a 'cheat' something like a cup of frozen yogurt or a few bites of dark chocolate. And for goodness sake, let's call it a treat from now on, okay? Personally, although fro-yo has added sugar and whatever, I still think it's a 'safe' food used as a treat but it's really not. Unless you get like 5 swirls of fro-yo with every topping imaginable on it, not just FRUIT and raw nuts, I may consider it. And dark chocolate?! REALLY?! Dark chocolate has many health benefits. Why is that a treat?!

Now hear me out, I understand this concept is very different when circumstances do not permit. For example, bodybuilding competitors absolutely must adhere to a diet plan and not divert from that to get that completely shredded body on stage. And some people have serious food allergies (darn you, gluten and dairy!) that prevents them from going out to Panda Express and eating orange chicken and chow mein noodles to their hearts desire. I understand this.

Chady Dunmore has TWO cheat meals a week because it works for her. (Source)

But to the normal individual, why is it so bad that you want to go out to a restaurant one night a week, have a big meal of whatever, and get back on the bandwagon the next day? It's not a crime. Depending on the person, it's not going to explode all of your fitness goals. In fact, I find that it's both physically and most importantly psychologically freeing.

Just remember where you are in your fitness journey. If you have quite a few pounds to lose, than you may not want to go overboard on the treats. If you're in really good shape, eat a bowl of pasta! Seriously, douse that plate in marinara sauce. Do it. 

The other night, THIS was my treat meal, except I wasn't even thinking about it being a 'treat meal.' In my mind, all food I consume is a meal, whether I am eating raw veggies or a brownie. It's food. Some may be 'better' for you, some may not be. So what. 

Cracker Barrel buttermilk pancakes with butter, pure maple syrup, and BACON. Nom. I also had some (unpictured) pumpkin custard with pumpkin whipped cream and a gingersnap cookie. TO. DIE. FOR.

For me, it's natural to want to eat 'healthy' on the daily, however I was out and about with my family and we wanted pancakes... so we went. I didn't freak out about how 'fat' I would get. I enjoyed my time with my family, laughed my booty off, and went home. Didn't feel the need to do 'extra cardio', didn't have an urge to go to the gym ASAP. I had a happy tummy and I was ready to hit the hay. 

My point is, 'bad' foods are not an absolute no-no. There is a time and place for them. Perhaps not everyday, but once in awhile. Don't restrict yourself from your favorite foods because you believe your fit lifestyle forbids it. It doesn't. And even if you have food allergies or whatnot, there are so many great gluten free, dairy free, nut free, everything-causing-allergies free foods out there, like CAKE. Nom. :)

I know some people may sound off on this, and some may quite possibly disagree with me. But I'm not going to sugar-coat my opinion to please everyone. YOU DON'T HAVE TO EAT CLEAN 100%. That is my advice for the day. ;) Have a great day and week!

Questions: What's your opinion on 'cheat meals'? Agree or disagree? 


  1. NO cheat.
    NO treat.
    JUST meals here :-)

  2. LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I wish more people in the health and fitness world would have your healthy mindset-- I get sick of seeing people just eat totally clean 24/7 and then beat themselves up over one little treat.
    "It's food. Some may be 'better' for you, some may not be. So what." AMEN. In the end, it's all fuel! There's gotta be some balance.
    Hope you have a great day, gorgeous! :)

    1. Thanks girl! I definitely agree. I hope you have/had a great day too love <3

  3. Great post! I've learned to not feel so bad when I stray from my everyday healthy eating habits, especially when I have people come into town and visit, and all we do is go out to eat and drink.

    1. It's an awful feeling to feel bad about food! Thank you!

  4. Everything in moderation is key but then that backfires on me because then I just eat everything!! I have no control or concept of moderation. Definitely something I need to work on.

    1. Maybe you deprive yourself all week, so when the time rolls around when you allow yourself a treat, you feel so deprived of your favorite foods that your body goes on the defense. Perhaps throughout the week you can throw in a smaller treat, like a little cupcake, so when your bigger meal comes you won't feel like you need to eat everything. :)

  5. great perspective and you are so true. i think everything in moderation is the best way to respect your body and getting rid of those food labels. great post!

  6. I hate the word cheating too. Especially when you mention it in conversation to someone who has no idea what a cheat meal is, and they assume you're talking about cheating on your partner!! Haha. I have dark chocolate almost every day, so I guess I'm cheating a lot then ;) I always overhear women talking about their diets, and it makes me sad that there are women out there who deprive themselves when they could be eating a serious amount of food like me!

    You are so wise, Brittany!

    1. Haha I can't imagine talking fitness jargon with unsuspecting people. They'd probably look at me like I was crazy talking about 'cheat meals' and 'dropsets' and whatnot. ;) I always have dark chocolate, so I don't understand why this is a 'cheat'! I wish more women thought like you. A lot of food keeps the body going! Thank you for your kind words. I always value your input Tara. :)

  7. Looks like most of the comments above have the same idea... I usually don't watch what I eat in terms of good vs. bad. I just try to eat sensible meals. I have yummy sweets and ice cream all the time, but don't consider those to be "cheats" or things "bad." But then again, I'm not working out or running to maintain a figure. I guess, whatever makes you happy and healthy.

    1. I completely agree with you. I love that you run because you love it, not because you feel obligated to do so. Such a good role model. :)

  8. I agree with everything you said in this post! Sometimes you need a mental break from all of the training and eating clean! My coach told us at our last meeting, "You guys have worked so hard this season. You ran hard every day, even when you were tired, and watched everything that went into your mouth so that you performed at your best. For the next few weeks, give yourselves a break and eat some ice cream and drink some pop or something! You guys deserve it, and your bodies will thank you for it!"
    So doing "cheat" meals and taking some rest days (or weeks) are NOT going to make you fat! They'll probably help your body realize that it's okay, it's getting fuel and rest, and that it can actually start BURNING fat since it's not in shortage of fuel and energy! ;)

    Keep up the awesome work, Britt! Like I've said so many times before, I can see you having such a good future in the health and fitness industry! :)

    P.S. I nominated you for the Sunshine Award on my blog! :D

    1. Aww thanks chica! I love what your coach said. He's definitely encouraging a healthy mindset! I hate the notion that apparently everything someone does these days is going to make them 'fat.' Pshhhaw. You make me smile Katie, thank you once again!

  9. Agree, as always(: Genius alert here!! ahhaha I had cake last night and i must agree NOM!(;

  10. I definitely hate the word cheating. Unless you're talking about a relationship, I don't think that word can be used in a way that makes sense. But I do think this situation is different for everyone. My "clean" foods are all "treats" to me. And I eat to manage a health condition. But there's nothing I want that I can't or won't eat so I see no reason to distinguish between normal eating and treat eating. If someone is forcing down miserable "healthy" food, they should re-evaluate what it is they're doing...and possibly learn to cook. ;)

    1. I know you have the gluten issue, which is why I completely understand your point of view. I so so SO agree with you. If you want to eat 'healthy,' then find healthy foods that you like instead of feeling like you are forcing it down! I hate cooking and yet even convenient options for me are delicious :)

  11. Hey! I just stumbled across your blog for the first time and I totally agree with this post. You took the words straight from my mouth! Anyway, I'm really glad I found your blog and I can't wait to read more! <3

  12. Ugh. The notion of cheat meals is so misconstrued it's ridiculous. Like, you, it annoys me - and breaks my heart - to no end.
    I think my whole weekend involves cheat meals - pizza, ice cream, bread and butter in restaurants - it's just relaxing up a bit on my usual diet of healthier foods.

    1. Haha this comment totally made me smile. :) I agree completely!

  13. Hello, found you through the Lean Green Bean. I agree! I have been calling them treats, not cheats, for a while now.

    1. I definitely like the term better than 'cheat' because it just sounds so bad!

  14. I agree whole-heartedly! When I finally realized that nothing was off-limits and eating healthfully was not about going on or off-plan or starting again on Monday, that I not only lost weight, but changed how I felt about it. ;-)

    1. Right?! It totally works. Deprivation sucks, so why deprive you know?! :)

  15. I see the point here, I agree - a negative connotation isn't great. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "treat" meal because that encourages food as a reward but I agree, it shouldn't be good or bad.

    I'll admit, I'm SO GUILTY. I always have "one" "cheat meal" a week lol; I think I'll try calling it "freebie meal", hmmm....

    1. You know, you're right. I have an idea, why don't we just call it a meal?! Because that's really all it is.
