Friday, October 5, 2012

Fitness Friday #3: Conditioning Exercises

This is my 100th post. Woo! It's been so exciting writing this blog, and I can't be more than thankful for all of the feedback and support I have received. A big thank you goes out to each and every single on of you who reads these posts. You guys rock!

For my third Fitness Friday, I am going to highlight some conditioning exercises that are great to change up any 'boring' workout routine. Many of these tactics are used in military training--how fun is that?!

These conditioning exercises get the heart rate elevated while also building strength. Now that's a win/win situation if you ask me. So, let's get to it!

1. Battle Rope Pulls
These involve attaching a heavy weight to the end of a battle rope. Using a straight back and squatting down, keeping the core nice and tight, pull the heavy weight towards you. Then, when you pull the weight towards you, pick it up and do a Farmer's Walk back to starting position. Repeat. Kettlebells are easy to attach to the battle ropes because you can just tie the end right to the handle.

2. Prowler Pushes
If you have a prowler in your gym, considers yourself lucky because most don't have them! You will put plates on these according to how heavy you want it. There are two handles to grab onto as you push the prowler along a path to a certain destination. You will use all of your strength to get that heavy prowler to your destination!

3. Sledgehammer Tire Slams
You will have a big tire and a sledgehammer... sounds like fun right?! You know those games at amusement parks where you get the heavy hammer and you have to hit the target as hard as you physically can to get it to hit the bell at the top? This is just like that. Using all your might, slam that baby down on the tire and show it who is boss.

4. Battle Rope Swings
These are different from the pulls in that you will loop the ropes around an object so you have the two handles of the ropes in your two hands. With that, you will swing the ropes up and down, side-to-side, or doing figure 8's with all your strength. Not only does this get your heart rate up, but it also is an upper body plyometric exercise that builds explosive power in your arms.

5. Medicine Ball Slams
I love these. These will also build explosive power in the upper body while also working your core, when done right. Standing with feet slightly shoulder-width apart, take the medicine ball and with a straight and form core, slam it down to the floor with every ounce of your strength. I use the medicine balls that don't bounce back up because a) I don't want to get smacked in the face, and b) when you get the slam balls that don't bounce back and stay to the floor, you work harder to squat down and pick the ball back up only to slam it down again. Have fun with these!

There are many more conditioning exercises outside of the 'norm' but these are a few of my favorites. Try incorporating these moves into your workouts if you want to try something a little different to spice up your routine. They will help you shed fat and build strength, not to mention they are F-U-N

I have no school today (yay parent/teacher conferences!) so my plan for today is to get up, go to the gym for a leg workout, and see where the rest of the day takes me. Have a great day everyone! TGIF!

Questions: Do you use some of these conditioning exercises? What other ones do you like?


  1. Prowler pushes are SO fun! They make you feel like a badass fo sho haha
    Enjoy your day off!!! I'm so jealous--my to do list/homework is insane! Dumb professors gotta ruin all the fun :P

    1. I wish we had a prowler! But we don't :( And yes, professors I'm sure love taking up your free time. Just know that I am there with you in spirit cheering you on :)

  2. I can't say I do any of these!

    Enjoy you day off! :)

    1. Oh man they're so fun though! And thank you I did :)

  3. These look like awesome moves! I wish I had access to this type of equipment!!

    1. I have access to battle ropes, but I wish I had a prowler :)

  4. Love these! The gym I work at has a sled (like a prowler) but it is so hard to use when there are other trainers in there. But I use it at every opportunity I get!

    1. That's awesome! My dream is train with you one day ;)

  5. There is no space for this stuff at school!:( And people would look at me funny!

    1. Why do you care what people think about you...?
