I always liked Halloween. I'll admit, I love it for the candy. Sorry but I'm not sorry. Reese's are freaking delicious.
I always like to reflect on what I have learned at the end of a month. Believe it or not, but each and every month that passes my in my life has some sort of significant meaning. I'm never really the same person I was a month previously. And I am okay with that. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Here's what I discovered throughout October...
1. Never do cleans and deadlifts in the same session. Ever.
I know, some of you weightlifting junkies/experts may yell at me for this. I admit my mistake! I was feeling like I wanted to smash something with this workout. So I did some cleans, and then I was like why not do some deadlifts?! Needless to say the next two days were the most painful days of my life. My butt felt like I had fallen off a cliff and right onto the ground. My back was shrieking with grief whenever I moved. Stick to ONE major lift per workout. Lesson learned.
2. I'm getting a tattoo.
Yes. Maybe some of you mothers are screaming inside at reading this right now. But trust me when I say that I am NOT getting a tattoo because it is the "cool" thing to do. I'm getting it because it has legitmate meaning to the experiences I have been through in life. I'm ambivalent on these four. I seem to be getting mixed reviews on which one to choose:
It's a toss-up. So indecisive...
3. It's okay to not get everything done and instead just take a breather.
From school work to blogging, everything was crashing down on me like a tidal wave, hense my brief hiatus. I used to be so adamant and hell-bent on getting a post up on time but I would just make up posts on the fly without intertwining real feeling into it. If I don't post in a week, the next post you all better expect to be downright amazing (I hope). Sometimes we all just need a mental break and we don't HAVE to finish everything by our perfectionist standards.
4. Cardio is not evil.
Gosh, for so long in my 'muscle-building' mind frame, I shunned cardio like it was the nuts in my trail mix (seriously, does anyone even eat those?! I'm all about dem M&M's...). But honestly, I fully believe that cardio is very beneficial. Sure, if you do too much of it while trying to build muscle, good luck with that. But I've come to realize that cardio is more than just 'fat-burning', it's necessary for one's heart health. I've been slowly losing my endurance and I don't want to. So I've been doing 2-3 sessions of 15-20 minutes of cardio each week and I'm wreaking the benefits. When I do cardio, I eat a bit more to spare the muscle. Honestly, if you keep the calories up while doing cardio, you'll still get the heart benefits. Don't believe the broscience.
You're not really a jackwagon if you don't do cardio. Everyone believes different things. ;) (Source)
5. Life shouldn't be taken for granted.
Okay, so I am the least philosophical or sentimental person I know. I mean really... if you all knew me in real life, you'd think I was the most immature person you've ever met. No shame. But one day this month as I was driving, suddenly a scary thought popped into my head. (Now don't worry guys, I am NOT suicidal!) I thought about how any day, I could die. I could die right now, in this car due to a car accident. Typically death, or anything really, doesn't scare me. But I actually contemplated the thought of me not living anymore and holy cow, it scared the living hell out of me. I have SO much to live for; I have SO many things I want to accomplish. I never appreciated my life like I should have and now I embrace it each and every day. Call me cheesy, but from the moment I wake up, I have a plan to make today memorable. You should too.
I hope EVERYONE has a fantastic Halloween. Eat a piece of candy. I promise it won't kill you. And save the Reese's and Pay Days for me. It would be greatly appreciated. ;)
Questions: What have you learned in October? What's your favorite Halloween memory?