About Me

Hello! My name is Brittany. I am seventeen and I love to kick ass.

Growing up, I was surrounded by crap food and I was never taught to keep in shape. This all changed when I was hospitalized for anorexia with a feeding tube up my nose, and from then on I made the decision to start lifting and eating. I went from an elliptical addict to an iron junkie, and I haven't looked back since. Now, my mood depends on if I've gone to the gym or have had my daily dose of my all-time love: peanut butter.

Random facts:

  • I love dogs, and I hate cats. When I am older, I want plenty of dogs of all shapes and sizes. When I was younger, our two cats attacked my brother and I so from then on, cats and I are the equivalent to Richard Sherman and Michael Crabtree. U mad bro?
  • I have a tattoo on my hipbone of the Irish trinity knot. I am mostly Irish, so it has sentimental value to me, but I plan on getting more tattoos in the future. (I have a high tolerance to pain and this was by far the most painful thing I've ever done.)
  • I have a huge appetite. I find it annoying when people preach about eating healthy all.the.time. I could without a doubt take down an entire pizza by myself. In fact, at a local frozen yogurt shop, I beat a challenge where I had to consume 64 oz of frozen yogurt and 8 oz of toppings in under 20 minutes without throwing up. I completed the challenge in 10 minutes, beating the record and becoming the first girl to win. (UPDATE: *apparently* some girl beat my time. I'll be back...)
  • I'm really into fashion and love shoes, however most of the time I end up wearing athletic shorts and T-shirts everywhere I go...ironic. Oh, and I don't own a real pair of jeans. They're all jeggings. And by "they're all"  I mean the two pairs I own in contrast to the 10 pairs of yoga pants/Lululemons I own.
  • I'm a boss ass bitch.

I love talking to new people and I love answering questions, so e-mail me at brittanyaterry@gmail.com if you want to talk. Thank you. :)


  1. Twins!

    In sooooo many ways!

    I used to be unhealthy an not like any foods now I like it all and MUST excersize everyday!

    I prefer health food stores and excersizing or a great meal more than partying!

    I love nut butters(;

    Turquoise is my favorite color:)

    Dogs are way better than cats!

    I like yoga pants, on girls :) hahahH

    1. I love exercising, indeed! Maybe not everyday, I need my rest. ;) But most days I'm always doing something active. PROPS TO YOU SIR! You are one smart kid and I only wish there were more guys like you! Exercise > partying. :) Nut butters are FANTASTICAL, dogs are gods gift, turquoise is LEGIT, & of course everyone loves yoga pants. ;)

  2. Hey! Wow we share so much in common! Well except I live half way around the world in Canada XD Anyway I love weight training too. Actually I just finished reading a book called the Cardio-Free Diet about how all cardio is basically useless and takes a large toll on your joints. I do Crossfit, I don't know if you've heard of it, but its amazing and involves weight training and other exercises which get you into amazing shape. I too love good, fresh, healthy food. Summer is the best time, so much fresh produce!

    1. Haha hey another twin! I love me some dumbbells. :) I want to try CrossFit oh so bad so I will subscribe to your blog and read your going-ons involving CrossFit. :) There are no boxes around me unfortunately. :( And agreed--especially oh so yummy watermelon. :)

  3. I just stumbled on your page. For just being 16, you are ahead of your time. Took me awhile to figure out the best tasting and healthy foods for fitness. My Trader Joes list mimics yours. You are dead on with what taste great and healthy. Haven't tried Pride Respect Protein powder? Will look into it. Thanks for the great info :-)

  4. I hear ya on the peanut butter, girl.
