Friday, September 28, 2012

Fitness Friday #3: One-Rep Max & My Love For Lifting

Ahh, I feel a sweet, sweet victory.

I had an AWESOME shoulder workout with my trainer on Wednesday. I felt so powerful and strong, and it cemented my love for shoulder day as my absolute favorite workout. 

I was going so much heavier than what I had been going already for shoulders. I had fallen into a comfort zone trap in training shoulders. I was using the same dumbbells, plates, and barbells for every exercise, using a 12-15 rep range for the sake of not injuring myself going *too* heavy. My shoulder development was going stagnant, and I desperately needed a change-up to my shoulder training.

Yep. This pretty much sums it up. (Source)

I didn't realize how light of weights I was using to do such exercises as bent over flys, shoulder press, military press, lateral raises, front raises, etc. The thing is, when I went MUCH heavier with my trainer, I was STILL able to do in between the 10-15 rep range... with about 2x the heavier weights. That just does to show me how comfortable I got using my 'normal' weights and how it is oh so necessary to break out of my comfort zone.

Well, my trainer informed me that I am FINALLY able to go into my one rep max range. I know, I am sure some of you are concerned that with me being only 16, I would be lifting too heavy. I would agree with that, however, I have been lifting for a good 10 or so months now and during that entire time of lifting, I was prepping for this moment. I have been preparing to test out my one rep max for a LONG time now, so you can bet I am super excited. My trainer thinks I am ready. I think I am ready. Let's do this.

It's funny--when I tell someone my age that I am out-of-this-world PUMPED to do one rep max lifting, they have no idea what I am talking about or they just straight up think I am weird. Guess what? I DON'T CARE! I do me and that's all I can be.

Dr. Seuss knows what's up. (Source)

All my goals right now are surrounded around getting stronger. I certainly believe that testing out my one rep max for the bigger, compound exercises will improve my strength tremendously. My one rep max isn't too light either. I am certainly not boasting but I've been pounding my butt into the ground to be lifting some of the weight I currently am. Sometimes I hear the athletic boys at my school bragging to everyone about how much they can 'lift,' when I can lift heavier than that. Talk about a confidence booster!

In total, lifting is my true and honest passion. I can't wait to compete in figure one day. The moment I enter the gym, my heart and soul is just 'freed' in a sense and I am in complete and utter comfort with myself and with my body. It's an indescribable experience. The way my muscles ache after a workout makes me beam with joy. Looking at pictures of inspiring figure competitors and fitness models only fuels my passion and aspirations to get on stage one day and show everyone what hard work is truly made of.

I honestly don't think that I can fully express my complete and extreme love for this sport. Some people call me obsessed, but when they discover their true passion like I have, they will understand. I am so proud of myself and all of the accomplishments I have made thus far. With my healthy diet and my willpower to smash some weights, I can't wait to see what my future has in store for me.

I will keep everyone updated on how training with a one rep max range is going for me. I start with my trainer very soon... eek! I am excited!

I am going to be watching the Olympia as much as I can. That's my goal one day: to get up on that stage for the Olympia. Who will the figure champ be this year... Nicole or Erin? We'll have to see!

Question: Do you train with your one rep max on various exercises? What is your true passion? Nicole or Erin for the title of Ms. Figure Olympia?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Muscle Gauge Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate Review

Hi guys!

I mentioned yesterday that I would have a review for you all today, and here it is!

Thanks to being an Ambassador for FitFluential, I get to participate in many opportunities to review awesome products from all different sides of the spectrum. I was given the chance to review one of Muscle Gauge's products. How exciting! I ended up choosing their Pure Whey Protein Isolate in Cake Batter.

Yes, I said cake batter. It was a toss up between that and cinnamon bun... oh man it was a tough decision. But they also have these amazing flavors: chocolate, ice cream sandwich, rocky road, strawberry, unflavored, and vanilla. Oh my gosh, those flavors sound so legit! Before even trying the product I knew that I liked their creativity... and their nutritional stats. Check it.

A whopping 27.8g of Whey Protein Isolate, NOT concentrate. Isolate is the good, high quality protein that you should look for when purchasing whey protein powder. The powder looks to be not over-processed which gets an A+ in my book.

After doing my research I had to suffer wait a few days before my shipment of awesomeness arrived. When it did, I tore that package open like a kid in a candy store.

Gosh, isn't it just beautiful and glorious?! The taste was out of this world. It didn't taste fake or nasty at all. I bet if I didn't know it was protein powder and it was used to make a cake, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference!

This stuff is GOOD. I can't wait to dig into the other flavors. I've heard a lot of reviews from other bloggers about Muscle Gauge and they all seem to agree that these are high quality products and it's definitely worth it to pay the few extra dollars on this than going over to Wal-Mart and buying the cheap, low-quality whey concentrate. You can obviously taste the difference.

This is me, hugging my beloved MGN Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate. We're very much in love.

I've been using this fantastic product in a lot of different, creative recipes. I've made protein pancakes, protein waffles, protein microwave cakes, protein pudding, and have added it to my oats in the morning and nearly every single one of my smoothies. Typically, I stop drinking smoothies as fall starts coming around because they are so cold but I love this protein powder so much in my smoothies that I cannot give them up!

Also, being the busy teenager that I am, I am nearly always on the go, having to go here, there, and EVERYWHERE. When I can't get a good, solid meal in me due to my hectic schedule, you can bet that I am chugging protein shakes to keep me satisfied and give me a quick protein fix:

I've been putting scoops into my blender bottle and chugging as I go, while also noshing on an apple the size of my head and either cinnamon almonds or sea salt pistachios. It's a great rescue source for me when I need to get nutrition inside of my body!

Overall, MGN's Cake Batter Pure Whey Protein Isolate is AMAZING, and I am not just saying that. I love it. Some products I receive are good but don't make me want to go back and purchase more. However, I feel that when I run out of this stuff (and that dreaded day is close...), I will continue to buy it because it's just THAT GOOD.

Go try it. I'm telling you, you won't be sorry!

*All opinions are my own. I reviewed this product as an Ambassador for FitFluential and was not compensated. Thank you.*

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keep Walking & Lose Your Weight (Guest Post)

Hi guys!

Today I have a guest post for you written by Sunny Popali. You can follow him on Twitter here. In this article, he describes how walking is a good way to start losing weight. Personally, I think if you jazz up your workouts to a higher intensity, you will most definitely see better results--and faster. However, for some people this is simply not possible due to illnesses and muscle imbalances. Therefore, walking can be a great way to lose weight.


Keep Walking & Lose Your Weight

For most individuals, losing weight can be very hard. According to experts, exercise and diet plays an important role in maintaining the ideal weight that is appropriate for your age and gender. Would you believe if someone told you to keep walking and lose your weight? 

There is some truth in walking and losing weight. However, it will depend on the intensity and duration of walking. Another thing is that you also need to introduce dietary changes if you want to enjoy the benefits of walking. 

If you decide to stick with walking as your daily exercise to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories. In comparison to other physical activities or exercise, a combination of proper diet and walking can give you great results. 

The secret to losing weight is consuming fewer calories and burning more of it. On the average, you can lose about a pound every week if your daily calorie consumption is lessened by 500 calories. 

You can burn more calories through quick-pace walking. This is also known as brisk walking. Keep in mind that it is the intensity of the walking exercise that will help you burn calories. So if you simply walk slowly, it would be impossible to lose weight. You must aim for a moderately intense walking exercise. 

Experts suggest that you walk 3-4 miles/hour, and once you get used to it, you can increase the pace. You shouldn’t stop your walking exercise even if you’ve already reached your ideal weight. It is equally important to maintain it so you won’t gain weight in the future. Be sure to incorporate physical activities in your routine and eat a balanced diet. 

Even if you’re a busy person, you should be able to squeeze into your schedule regular walking exercises for at least an hour each day. If you can do this, you can also avoid stroke, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and breast cancer. Through walking, you do not only burn calories but you also enhance metabolism. 

Before getting involved in any physical activity, you need to consult a doctor. You should be in good shape if you want to start with walking exercises. Aside from walking, you can also perform easy workouts. It is up to you if you want to enroll at a local fitness center or gym. If you have a bicycle, you can also ride it every day. This is a great cardio workout that will not cost you anything, only your time and effort. 

As mentioned earlier, walking alone will not help you lose weight. You have to combine proper diet and exercise to get the best results. If you continuously consume more calories that what your body is burning, you will never lose shed those extra pounds. Keep track of your daily food intake, and if possible, you can consult with a dietician or nutritionist. You should be determined to introduce changes in your diet and lifestyle to achieve your fitness goals. It will take some time to see real results but your efforts will surely pay off in time. 


Thanks Sunny! I have a review for you all tomorrow-stay tuned! Have a great day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

30 Things I've Learned

Happy Marvelous Monday all!

I have a busy week ahead, but that's typical! I thought I'd share 30 things that I have learned in my journey to discover my true passion for all things health and fitness. So, without further ado...

1. To build muscle, you must emphasize carbs. Eat them up!

2. You do not have to take supplements to be fit.

3. With that being said, if you do take supplements, you must realize that they will only benefit you if you have your diet and training down to a T. They aren't magic.

4. Just because a certain training routine or diet works for someone else, does not mean it will work for you. Just because someone else raves about splitting up your muscle groups or going Paleo, vegan, whatever does NOT mean you have to so the same. Every body is different.

5. If you're not having fun, you are not doing it right.

6. Don't compare your strength or diet to others'. Just because someone can bench more than you doesn't mean that you are weak. Be the best that YOU can be.

7. Don't skimp on the sleep. It will help with muscle building, fat loss, and just about everything else.

8. EAT, especially if you are trying to build muscle. Never starve yourself. Your body is like a car engine. If you don't give is gas, don't expect it to go.

9. Make cardio fun. Don't kill yourself on the treadmill because you feel obligated to if what you really want to do is go take a fun Zumba class.

10. Include veggies in your diet. They are full of vitamins and minerals. If you absolutely loathe them, sneak them in. For example, add some spinach into your smoothies. I promise you can't taste it!

The food of champions. (Source)

11. Don't focus on 'broscience' too much. If you really like fruit, have the darn apple. Don't overanalyze the 'sugar' content (unless you are preparing for a competition). If you have fats pre or post-workout, your muscle is not going to disappear.

12. Take rest days. You can't go hardcore 100% of the time. Remember, muscle grows outside of the gym. You tear it apart in the gym so that when you provide your body with nutrition, it goes into the torn muscles so that it grows. Even with cardio, you'll get burnt out quickly if you do it every single day. Take at LEAST one day of rest (but I recommend two or three).

13. Life happens. If something pops up and you can't go to the gym, don't freak out. Get back at it tomorrow.

14. In general, eat a healthy diet. When Oreos and Twinkies make up the majority of your diet, you will feel sluggish and tired all of the time. Seriously, who wants that?

15. Don't go overboard with healthy eating. I honestly don't think it is possible that someone absolutely hates all 'unclean' foods. If you work your booty off and want a slice of pizza at the end of the week, just eat it, enjoy it, move on and jump back into healthy eating the next day.

16. Don't avoid fats. Fats are a necessary component of our diets, in EVERY diet. Any diet telling you to go fat free is not sustainable.

17. With that being said, choose the rights fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are your best fat sources. Include foods such as salmon, nuts, natural nut butters, avocadoes, and others into your diet.

Nut butter. Obviously my favorite fat source. ;) (Source)

18. Also, don't fear the carbs. When you eat the right kind of carbs, you reap the benefits. Eat complex carbs such as oats, whole grain bread, quinoa, veggies and others. Carbs are not 'necessary' but they feed your brain. Without carbs, you will feel a little ditzy and out of it. You will not function normally.

19. Eat protein. Make sure you eat protein at every single meal. It maintains important muscle mass and keeps you fuller longer.

20. Keep all portions in check. Don't go overboard on any of the three macronutrients.

21. Eat at the times that work for you. If eating six meals a day works for you (which it does for me), then do it. If intermittent fasting works for you, then go for it.

22. Take everything you read with a grain of salt. If someone says that long distance running is 'bad' but you have a passion for running, then run. Being active, like running, is ten times better than sitting on the couch all day shoving your face with potato chips. If someone says not to do a certain exercise but you find that it works for you, do the exercise (as long as it is safe).

23. With that being said, try to include some sort of strength training into your routines. Even if you do bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, planks, push-ups and sit-ups, you will benefit. Even better if you add a little bit of resistance!

24. Make short term goals. For example, if you need to lose a few pounds and you plan on losing 50 pounds in 6 months, you will get burnt out easily and just quit. It's the way the human mind works. Instead, set smaller goals like "I will lose 2 pounds this week" or "I will bench press 10 pounds more than what I can now by two weeks from now." This is more achieveable and you'll feel empowered to go further until you reach the 'big' goal.

25. Practice releasing stress from your life. Believe it or not, but when you are stressed, it makes it harder to build muscle or lose fat. If something bad happens in your life, which WILL happen, just breathe in and out.

26. Be grateful. Sounds ridiculous in talking about health and fitness, but if you are grateful for what you have in life, you have a better attitude which will in turn help you reach your health and fitness goals.

27. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You simply cannot do everything by yourself. You just can't. If you need a spotter, just ask! If you can't follow a diet, go get some help from a nutritionist. We all need a little help.

28. Don't hate yourself. If you constantly insult yourself, your self-esteem will seriously suffer. Instead of looking in the mirror and saying "Ugh, my stomach looks so bloated and fat today" say something like "I am at a better place than I was before and I am trying, which is really all that matters. Looking good sexy!"

29. Be consistent. When you work out and eat healthy for a week, then the following week jump off the wagon, and then go on again the next week, you will find it hard to see results. Always stay consistent and if you really want it, you have to consistently work for it.

30. Smile. Smiling will make you optimistic and happy. Just smile about the little things.

Have a great Monday and start to the week. :)

Questions: Do you disagree with any of these? Have any to add?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fitness Friday #2: Shoulders!

Oh gosh. Thank God it's Friday. By the end of the week, I am always so exhausted and just ready for the weekend. This weekend is fully embraced, but then again, isn't every weekend?

Last week I did my first official "Fitness Friday" and I talked about T-bar Rows. This week, for my second Fitness Friday, I am going to talk about my now favorite muscle group to work... shoulders!

I thoroughly enjoy working my shoulders and my back, but lately shoulders seems to be inching closer and closer to the top position. I used to really not like working them but now I have totally fallen in love. 

Shoulders are a very difficult muscle group to grow. It takes a lot of time and energy to get rounded boulder shoulders. And by a lot of time, I don't mean three months. I mean years. I am always so fascinated by figure competitors and how amazing their shoulders look. I can't imagine how hard they had to have bust their butts to get that kind of shoulder definition:

Erin Stern recently winning 1st place at the 2012 Valenti Cup! (Source)

I love doing all kinds of shoulder exercises. I would have to say that these are my top 3 favorites:

1. Military Press

This is a very effective compound movement, included in nearly every workout regimen. You can do this with a barbell, which I typically do as it also challenges my core. But sometimes, I admit, I do these with the Smith machine to fatigue the shoulders. In all, this is an excellent exercise and one I always look forward to.

2. Shoulder Press

This is also a compound movement that is very effective. I always do these with free weights but sometimes I will use the machine just for burnout. In fact, I shoulder pressed the 30 lb. dumbbells with my trainer other day. Yes, 30 in EACH hand for a total of 60 pounds. Talk about feeling mighty!

3. Clean and Press

I've talked about these before and I still love them. With that being said, they can still be extremely dangerous so ALWAYS start off light and have a spotter watching you. These are not only great for the shoulders but for overall body strength, so get cleaning and pressing!

I basically just named the top three most effective shoulder building exercises, but there are many others that are awesome: lateral raises, front raises, upright rows, etc. I am continually trying to get these babies to grow. The coconut shoulders look just calls to me, what can I say. ;)

Have a great day everyone! Enjoy your weekend!

Questions: Do you like working shoulders? What's your favorite shoulder exercise?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Never Give Up, Never Give In

I never know how to start out a post, so typically I will say something like "Happy (insert the day of the week that it is here)!" Yeah. That's getting pretty lame. I need to step up my game here!

I feel like most of my posts lately have been some sort of review or whatnot. Not today! I really enjoy typing up posts regarding something about strength training or something else along the lines of that. Today will be one of those posts.

Well, what's the fancy subject I'll be touching on? Not giving up. Oh gosh, that sounds so cliche. "Never give up!" I am not going to lie, whenever I hear that, I get the sudden urge to roll my eyes. Everything is much easier said than done. Ain't that the truth!

I am not always directly affected my quotes. The quote "Never give up!" doesn't hit me hard. Sorry I'm not sorry. I can tell myself to never give up. Or I could just not give up with my actions, not my words.

When I first started strength training, I really loved doing legs. I would squat, lunge and deadlift until my legs were literally numb. I enjoyed it. But ever since I have pretty much doubled all the weight in my lifts, doing legs has seemingly become much more of a chore than something I enjoy.

A lot of you could argue that I could just simply not do legs at all. I mean, I'm only a teenager and shouldn't really worry about it, right? Why waste time on something I don't like to do at such a young age? Well, my answer is simply that I HATE doing legs when I'm actually doing it. The feeling I get after I have completed a very difficult leg workout is incredible. I feel like I could Hulk smash a concrete wall.


I could just quit when I feel immense pain building up in my legs. "Psh, four sets of squats? I've already done two and I'm really tired and my legs really hurt. I'm done now." <-- Uhm, if you know me, you will NEVER hear me say this. EVER. 

Case in point: yesterday I did a pretty intense plyometric/high rep leg workout with my trainer for something different, as I have been doing heavy legs for quite some time now.

While doing my normal box jumps, I totally slipped and ate metal like no other:

It hurt so bad. I didn't really tell my trainer how bad it hurt, because I wanted to keep going. I didn't want to stop because wittle Brittany gots a wittle booboo. However, this accident bruised my bone so very badly. At this very moment, two days later, my leg is still throbbing and it hurts to walk slightly. I kept going after that box jump though. I finished the reps and the other sets. I pounded through it.

Then I went to go do some lunges. I have been getting accustomed to heavy lunges, however I was doing a high rep workout and this required three sets of 20 reps per leg on lunges. Ugh. Not a fan. Nope. Not at all.

During that entire time, I just wanted to quit. Every time I lunged forward this was literally echoing in my head: "&#^$@(&!$^ I JUST WANT TO GO HOME AND STUFF MY FACE." After the second set, I almost quit. Yes, me, Miss I Have To Do Everything Perfectly, almost quit. NEVER.

I told myself that I had ONE set left. It would take maybe 5 minutes, if that. I had time to carve out a measly five minutes from my life. Sure it hurt NOW, but it won't hurt to look in the mirror when I have monster quads, now will it? ;)

My calves burned. My quads ached. My hamstrings felt like they were hit with a sledgehammer. Yet I persisted. I finished that last set, ran (more like limped) straight to my little locker, chugged my protein shake, and fled to my car to go to my sanctuary of a home. I am going to take it easy on the leg workouts until my ankle properly heals. I foresee a lot of icing in my future!

The moral of the story is simply to JUST. DO. IT. Stop making excuses, stop reminding yourself of the pain you are in, stop being pessimistic and dreading the workout. Think of the benefits. Most of the time, if you really hate it THAT much and it really hurts THAT bad, THOSE are the reps that count. THOSE are the reps that are going to initiate a response in your body to build muscle. Cherish them. You hate those reps now but you will love them later.

Never give up? *rolls eyes* Stop saying that, and just act upon it!

Questions: Do you keep going even if every muscle in your body is sore? How do you get the motivation to persist?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nosh Bar Review

Good morning! 

I have another review for you all. How exciting! I love doing reviews! I am always excited to help a company out by being 100% honest with what I truly think of the product as well as getting it 'out there' that these products exist!

I am reviewing The Nosh Bar today. I originally heard of them from the wonderful Alex. These bars are an all-natural, gluten free, grain free, no added refined sugar & "Paleo" friendly bar. They make a great quick and portable snack.

From the company's website:

The Nosh Bar is a “paleo” friendly all-natural, gluten-free, grain-free nutritional bar composed with the following ingredients; pumpkin seeds, almonds, dates, dried fruit, organic virgin coconut oil, grass fed whey protein powder, raw honey, coconut, pure vanilla extract and sea salt.

Each bar has 9g of protein, 14g of (healthy) fat, and 15g of carbs.

Sounds delicious, right?

I received three of their different flavors. Without further ado, here is my review...

Chocolate Cherry: 11/10

Quite honestly, I really dislike cherries. I don't get the appeal of them. I went into eating this with a optimistic approach and would ya look at that... it was DELICIOUS! It was perfectly sweet but not TOO sweet. It tasted like a dessert. WIN.

Almond Coconut Cranberry: 9/10

If there is anything I dislike more than cherries, it would probably be cranberries. And yet I was delightfully surprised once again. This was GOOD! I liked it but didn't fall out of my seat after eating it. It was very scrumptious, however.

Chocolate Espresso: 9/10

I love anything espresso flavored. Yum! Unfortunately, I had this after I had the chocolate cherry, so I didn't feel as if it quite lived up to the incredible taste of that. But this was still SO good and I would definitely eat them again.

I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday! If you haven't read my guest post on my idol Tosca Reno's blog, click here! :)

Question: Have you ever tried a Nosh bar before?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homecoming Recap

Happy Marvelous Monday!

Before I go on, please go here to check out my post for Tosca Reno's blog!!!! :D

On Saturday, I had my Homecoming dance. It was definitely a lot of fun. I started the day off at the gym (no surprise there) and I completed a really good chest workout that I actually enjoyed for once, considering I despise doing chest. 

Then, I scurried over to get a mani/pedi. I got a royal blue color on my toes and a teal color on my fingernails. I love the cooler colors!

Then, I got home, and my lovely trainer and basically second mother was kind enough to do my hair and make-up for me. Seriously, she did a fantastic job and I am super duper grateful.

I basically had my hair in a low bun, and a French braid wrapping around the side of my head with a little flower clipped in. It looked so freaking cute. Seriously, I never do my hair and rarely go all artsy with my make-up so the fact that I got dolled up last night is really surprising for someone who likes to wear T-shirts and yoga pants all the time. 

I felt really beautiful. I never really tell myself that but quite honestly I did feel good in my own skin. It's a priceless feeling!

Then the date came over for pictures...

So that was fun. He and I then drove over to another girl's house who lives in a very forest-y area. It was beautiful. We had quite the hard time pinpointing the location of her house, but after 30 minutes of wandering around this maze of a neighborhood we finally found it.

We drove to the school from there. It's awesome because my date and I are both HUGE Lord of the Rings fans, so unlike 'normal' people jamming out to pop or hip hop music, we jammed out to the Lord of the Rings movie soundtrack on the way there. We're nerds, and we are PROUD.

We were admitted into the school where we waited for mah girl McKenna and her date to arrive. McKenna looked stunning as per usual. For three hours on from there, we danced until our knees wanted to give out from under us. Seriously, I NEVER break a sweat. It's like I don't have sweat glands. But I definitely did break a sweat on that dance floor last night. No shame whatsoever.

Finally, we got to the good part of the night. ;) All four of us made our way on over to the nearest IHOP. McKenna and I had a strong hankering for pancakes (when don't we...?) so of course IHOP seemed fitting. We thought we'd be the only ones there but there were two other dates that showed up. 

It is a HARD decision choosing what you want here. SO HARD. But I did see the option for the PUMPKIN PANCAKES and immediately decided on those. NOM. Seriously. I could hardly wait to have those things.

They were good, but the pumpkin flavor was barely discernible. I could not taste it which was a little disappointed. But nonetheless I was happy to have pancakes in my tummy. No worries too, because I pretty much devoured everyone else's plate as well. Once again, no shame.

Here's one of my favorite pictures of the night:

This is McKenna and I. Seriously, isn't she freaking gorgeous? I love that girl. Considering I like to hang around guys more than girls, the fact that I love her to death is pretty astounding. She's an amazing person. Love you Kenna :)

After we basically sat there and talked for like two hours straight and I ate some nasty concoctions that the boys mixed up (they didn't think I was serious when I said no food really grosses me out), we headed back to McKenna's, talked the night away, and then passed out at about 3:30 a.m. This is the third time I am saying this alone in this post, but seriously, no shame.

We woke up at 7:30 a.m. (crazy, right?!) and my lovable McKenna made me an awesome breakfast:

This was Kashi blueberry cereal with almond milk and a two egg omelette with red peppers and broccoli served with some strawberries and blueberries. It was delicious, what can I say. :) 

I honestly had an awesome time. I hope everyone's Monday is going well. Have a great rest of the day. :)

Question: Any Homecoming memories you want to share with me?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Eat-Clean Diet Review: Part 3 "The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook 2"

Hello! :)

It's Saturday (obviously). Yesterday, I was a walking zombie. By the end of the week, I am a wet noodle. I am so tired and ready to relax. But wait! I don't get to relax. Today is Homecoming. So I am running around all day, hitting the gym bright and early, going to get a mani/pedi, getting my hair and make-up done by my trainer and her daughter (yay!), and then off to get dressed and to the girl's house where I am taking pictures. I will post the pictures (that particularly flatter me hehe) whenever I get my dirty little hands on them!

Anyways, moving on from that babble...

Today I will also be reviewing "The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook 2" as part 3 of my Eat-Clean Diet review. This is the last part, so soak it up!

I will admit it... I HATE following recipes. I am not a refined chef or baker. I'm SUPER simple and I like to keep it that way. I have my plain chicken in Tupperware. My veggies are already prepped. I can grab a piece of fruit from my fruit bowl. My rice cakes are easily accessible.

Boom. That's all it takes.

But receiving this cookbook made me slow down and actually enjoy the process of cooking and baking. I chose a select few recipes that I really wanted to try and went at it.

I would have to say my top three favorites were the Potatoes O'Brien (this was obviously to be expected; I'm an Irish girl at heart), Campfire Salmon (I LOVE me some hearty salmon), and the Sweet Potato Custard (Like I said, potatoes are my JAM--especially sweet potatoes.)

There are SO many recipes in here. This is like my foodie Bible. So many people believe that eating clean must be "boring" because it includes healthy food. But this could not be further from the truth. Healthy foods are not "boring" in any way, shape, or form. There are so many ways that you could play up a healthy food. Tosca does this perfectly. With so many options, how could you complain about a "lack of variety"? I know this may come as a shocker, but there are natural ingredients out there that improve a dish immensely that DON'T include craptastic things like refined sugar, flour, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and hard-to-pronounce man-made chemicals. 

Not to mention that looking at all of these food pictures seriously had me drooling all over the pages. Everything looks delectable and you would never guess that it's healthy. All pictures are full of bright, vibrant colors from the foods that provide our bodies with only the best nutrients that we need. 

If you are stuck in a recipe rut and want to switch up some of your go-to clean eats, or you are just jumping on the eating clean bandwagon and need some ideas, then I HIGHLY recommend that you go order/go buy this book.

Yes. I go to my local Barnes & Noble and purposely rearrange the cookbooks so this is front and center. I'm just doing this purely for the benefit of society. :) 

And don't just this one. Go get ALL of Tosca's books. I promise that you will LEARN something. We are always learning. And go read her amazing columns in Oxygen magazine. Seriously. This woman is my idol. And for good reason! She knows what she is talking about people.

I hope you guys all enjoyed this three part review. If you missed my other two reviews, you can click here for the "Just The Rules" review and here for the "Recharged!" review.

I have something you should all get excited for tomorrow as well, so stay tuned. Have a great Saturday everyone. Homecoming updates will be up soon. :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Eat-Clean Diet Review: Part 2 "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!"

Hello again everyone! TGIF!

I am continuing my review for Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet series, and today it is focused on "The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!"

I have said before and will say again that I feel so very lucky that I get to review these amazing books. A big heartfelt thank you goes out to Tosca Reno, her wonderful daughters, and the Eat-Clean Diet team.

Recharged! is a much bigger book than "Just The Rules." This book goes much more in-depth and into further detail. "Just The Rules" is meant to serve as a little guide that is portable to bring everywhere when the motivation to remember the principles of eating clean strikes.

If you want to learn so many new things to get to being the healthiest you that you can be, then go get this book. Now. Seriously. Did you get it yet? I am waiting.

There are a lot of "health gurus" out there that claim that they are in the industry for the best interest of their customers, but let's be honest here: they just want your money. They don't care if you put a broccoli floret or a Cosmic Brownie in your mouth. With Tosca, she genuinely cares about all of her readers and Eat-Clean Diet followers. This is a quality that I absolutely admire about her.

When you first open the book, you will see this:

This book is dedicated to the many millions of you who have adopted the Eat-Clean lifestyle. You are intelligent and inspirational, every one of you, and I thank you for your brilliance. 

I am indeed always listening!

- Tosca Reno

If you read Oxygen Magazine (and fangirl when you get it in the mail or buy it at the store and then proceed to spend the next three hours reading every.single.word), then you would know that Tosca often says "I am always listening" in her awesome column. This just shows how truly authentic she is!

I love her Oxygen columns! (Source)

Gosh, she makes me feel so special! How about you? Tosca truly cares about the health of others. You can clearly identify this when you analyze her words in the book. 

There is an in-depth analysis on a number of subjects in the book, such as portion control, cellulite, drinking water, eating breakfast, etc. There are even some delicious recipes! Tosca makes it abundantly clear that eating clean does not have to be boring whatsoever. 

If you had no idea about what it means to fully "eat healthy" before reading this book, after reading it you will feel like you know just about all that you need to do. It's that descriptive and eye-opening. Not everyone is already used to this healthy lifestyle, so if you are just jumping in, you can read this book and know where to start.

I give Tosca major props for her professionalism and honesty in the book. Every night, I would pore over this book. I was immersed in the details of the words and carefully read each and every sentence until it fully absorbed 100% in my brain.

My complete and utter conclusion is that I loved it. It empowered me to want to eat even healthier than before but have a balanced attitude. Everything in moderation! Like I said in my last post, the Eat-Clean Diet is not a deprivation diet. It's a lifestyle with treats (notice I didn't say CHEATS) intertwined here and there.

Go pick up this book you will not be sorry! :)

*I was not compensated for this review. All opinions are my own.*

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Eat-Clean Diet Review: Part 1 "Just The Rules"

Hey guys! So I cannot keep this secret any longer.

I received an e-mail about a month ago from the lovely Kiersten. She is the daughter of Tosca Reno, A.K.A. my IDOL. I was so happy beyond words.

I received the "Eat-Clean Diet" series to read and review. Over the next three days, I will be reviewing three books. Major excitement there! I also unexpectedly received a free Tosca Reno Sisters in Iron shirt and I have been wearing it at every available moment.

I have talked before how I think that the concept of eating clean can be taken too far. But as a basis for living a healthy lifestyle and supporting healthy habits, I think that the Eat-Clean Diet series is one of the  best proven options.

I love Tosca! (Source)

The Eat-Clean Diet is not a diet intended for restriction. Heck, in the books they even encourage eating treats in moderation and not eliminating entire food groups. They also promote eating more to fuel the body. I LOVE that!

The first book I am going to review is "Just The Rules." This will be a three part series based on the three books that I received.

"Just The Rules" is a handy little pocket-sized book with 51 'rules' for following the Eat-Clean Diet. What I loved about it is that it's small enough to bring everywhere when one might think that they are tempted to go off the deep end. The rules are also simple and not too sugar-coated which I absolutely loved. It was understandable and very eye-opening.

I knew going into this that I would know most of the 'rules' already. I know enough about nutrition and health to make my own rules. However, Tosca brilliantly outlined the rules in a new manner for me that I understood even more.

Here are the major things I took away from the book:

1. Eat as close to the ground as possible.
I love eating whole foods, no doubt about that. But I also like to eat a bunch of 'healthy' junk that is packed with sodium, preservatives, artificial flavors, etc. (Beek jerky, anyone?!) Tosca really made me realize that I should eat more veggies from the ground and from local markets. Not only am I supporting local farmers, but I know that what I am eating is super fresh and not being shipped all the way from Ecuador.

2. Keep your stomach acidic.
I always wondered why my trainer was having me force down that dreadful apple cider vinegar. To torture me? No. Now I know why! Tosca taught me that our stomachs need to be acidic in order to properly break down my food. Most people think the opposite; they think that the stomach shouldn't be acidic but that is false. Eat the write foods and force down that vinegar! It will help you!

3. No cheats--just treats!
I will bet he first to admit that I fell into this "cheat meal" junk. It's just that--JUNK! With the Eat-Clean Diet, it is a treat not a cheat. Why? A cheat has a bad connotation surrounding it. It makes it sound like you are doing something 'bad,' when in fact you aren't! Life is about moderation and if you want a small slice of cake or a slice of pizza once a week there is nothing wrong with that. Don't go overboard but never deprive yourself. Call them treats!

I learned SO much more, including how food advertises trick us, the benefits of fermented food, and why oats are so good! I HIGHLY recommend you go order this book.

You could purchase "Just The Rules" here. It's the perfect little handbook to help you follow a healthy lifestyle.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, as I review another one of Tosca's awesome books a part of the Eat-Clean Diet Series! :)

*All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review. I am reviewing this because Tosca Reno is like my idol. Totally fangirling right now."

And don't forget to follow Tosca's September challenge of Strike Sugar!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Difference Between Female Competition Categories

It was recently requested of me to do a post about the difference between the different categories of bodybuilding competitions. For some of you, you may already know this. But for others, I hope this post provides the information that you were looking for or that you learn something that you were not expecting to learn.

So, with that being said, let's get started!

Women's Bodybuilding

This is what instantly comes to mind when one thinks of a women's bodybuilding competition: 

Ms. Olympia, Yaxeni Oriquen! (Source)

This is a woman competing in the women's bodybuilding category. Yes, this is a separate category. In women's bodybuilding, the women are judged on symmetry, overall muscle development, and definition. This group has the most muscular women out of all of the categories. They wear no shoes on stage and desire to look "X-shaped." What does this mean? Well, it means that they want to have a large upper body and very large legs. This creates the illusion of looking like an "X." Muscle fibers are typically seen on a competitor. This also seems to be the most controversial category out of them all. For one, there are a number of people that don't think it's right and "natural" for a woman to obtain large amounts of muscle. It's not "feminine." Second, many women bodybuilders take testosterone (the male hormone which allows them to build more muscle that women) as well as steroids to look bigger. I for one do not desire to compete in this category but I have to admire and respect the women who obtain this amount of muscle naturally and have the courage to step out on stage.

*This is the one I want to compete in!*

The lovely Candice Keene! (Source)

Figure is a category that emphasizes muscle symmetry and tone. Unlike women's bodybuilding, figure does not obtain quite the amount of muscle and focuses more on the "V-shape." This means that they want large, rounded "boulder shoulders" and wide lats to make the waist look smaller and create the illusion of a "V." They want toned legs but not overly-built, such as the legs seen on women bodybuilders. They want to achieve a balanced, lean and muscular look, but with no visible muscle fibers like women's bodybuilding. Figure competitors glam it up: a blingy suit, super high heels, all done up hair and sparkling make-up. Competitors must stand on stage and perform certain poses for the judges to judge their overall physique. The objective is to look feminine but muscular at the same time.


Bethany Cisternino! (Source)

Fitness is very similar to figure, but fitness gets a bit more complicated. Fitness aims to have an identical muscular look, but in fitness, competitors must perform a routine (typically a dance or gymnastics routine) on top of the swimsuit round where they are also judged on symmetry and tone. 


India Paulino! (Source)

This is sometimes referred to as simply the "model" category. Bikini is the 'least' muscular of them all. The objective here is really to bit very fit and toned, with noticeable muscle but not overly defined. The muscle on a bikini competitor is 'softer' than the more muscular categories, such as figure. Bikini competitors also want to look athletic. There is no desire to be "V-shaped" (like getting the popped delts and wide lats in figure/fitness) or "X-shaped" (like getting the large upper body and legs in women's bodybuilding). Unlike the more 'rigid' poses in figure, bikini has more laid back 'model-like' poses such as the hand on the hip. In bikini, their is a goal to be lean but not as lean as figure (so bikini competitors will have slightly more body fat). Personality is judged more in bikini, and there is no muscle separation.


The incredible Andreia Brazier (I strongly admire her physique!) (Source)

Lastly is physique. Basically, a physique competitor is in the middle of a women's bodybuilder and a figure competitor. They have slightly more defined muscle than figure, but less than women's bodybuilding. If you look at Andreia above, I guarantee the very first thing that pops out to you are her impeccable abs. If you look at a figure competitor, they have a very lean stomach (with noticeable obliques) but not very hard abs like Andreia. Physique is judged on symmetry, muscle definition, proportion, beauty and poise. They also have certain poses that they must do on stage, most that differ from figure and are similar but not identical to women's bodybuilding. They are incredibly lean with almost no body fat. They are not too ripped and will not exactly show muscle fibers and striation, but their musculature is clearly identified and judged upon. 

I hoped this cleared the air for some people who were unsure and I hope if you had no idea what I was even talking about, maybe you learned something! Like I mentioned, I would like to do figure one day but if it so happens that I fit better in bikini or even physique, I won't make up my mind on figure.

This is my passion and I dream about it everyday! Always keep dreaming. :) Happy Wednesday everyone!

Questions: What is your favorite category or one that would would consider competing in? Did you learn anything!

*Also, if anyone has any other post requests on anything fitness related, shoot me an e-mail found in the "Contact Me" section at the top!*