Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How I Am Handling My "Cut Phase"

So I mentioned that I would be trying out a cut phase of sorts, to get myself acclimated to what a cut phase is, considering I want a life in fitness. At first, I was super nervous because considering my past, I didn't know how I was going to take it. Would I always be anxious? Would certain numbers freak me out?

The answer is, surprisingly: no. (If you are triggered easily by talk of cutting and macros and calories and all that, I would stop reading now.)

I first had to find my maintenance calories, which meant I had to eat a certain number of calories in a day (without doing cardio) and then weigh myself every day in the morning to see if I had gained, maintained, or lost weight. Weighing myself every morning was definitely something I never thought that I would be able to do. The first day was so nerve-wracking. However, every morning, I looked at the number on the scale and actually kept my composure. I wasn't even at all bothered by it.

I'm not going to lie here on my blog to make me seem completely "perfect" in my mindset--because it's far from perfect. However, when I say that these numbers on the scale didn't bother me, I mean it! Yes, I certainly had my reservations about it, however, in the past when I had weighed myself, I would dwell on it all day long. How could I be so overweight/underweight? What drastic measures should I take to get the number that I want? These are all dangerous and irrational thoughts, and I am pleasantly surprised that there thoughts are not affecting me. Instead, I am focused on seeing how this cut phase turns out, and I am excited!

One thing I was super concerned about? The amount of carbs I was supposed to be eating. I haven't tracked my calories/macros for a very long time. I always thought I was getting a lot of carbs, because I ate them at every meal! So obviously I assumed I was getting enough. However, as my training partner and I were discussing our diet regimen over IHOP, he broke down my macros and I looked at the number of grams of carbs, and I was like holy shit because when I tracked my macros the day before to see how I've been eating over the last year or so, I realized that I was severely under-utilizing carbs. And now I was being made to consume even more carbs and I was like uhhhh, what? How about nah man....

The first day on this number of carbs that will go unmentioned was rough. I didn't realize how full I was going to be. By dinner, I still had many grams of carbs and protein that I was supposed to hit so my dinner was HUGE. I had to actually FIGHT to eat it all. By the end of that meal, I had to eat AGAIN in a few hours and I honestly thought I was going to die. My stomach was all "Brittany, what is this fuckery, I'M NOT HUNGRY BITCH!" But I made myself hit the certain number of calories and I assumed the next morning I would gain 3957943754 pounds. But I didn't??? It just goes to show you that it's ALL about calories in vs. calories out. My weight hasn't really moved over the past few months because I was eating a high protein, high fat, moderate carb diet but when I switched over to high protein, high carb, moderate fat, it was essentially the same amount of calories so I wouldn't gain or lose weight--I would maintain.

So what's the moral of the anecdote? CARBS ARE NOT ENEMIES!!!!!! Do NOT tell me that eating too many carbs are going to make you gain weight. YES, they will, if it exceeds your maintenance level of calories. Sure, a certain balance of macros may get you the ripped body that you want, but in the question of gaining/losing weight, it's all about what amount of energy YOUR body needs!!!

Lastly, I can't wait to kick my ass with cardio. I decided not to go overboard with it and keep it short and intense for maximum efficiency. I will NOT be doing 45 minute cardio sessions at a steady state. Yes, I will probably throw in steady state every now and then when my energy levels drop too much, but for the most part, my cardio will be a lot of running (I need this for the National Guard), sprinting ON THE TRACK (fuck sprinting on a treadmill), stairmaster, and conditioning work i.e. prowlers pushes, battle rope swingin', jump roping, burpees, bleacher drills, tire flips across a football field, and many other plyometrics like jump squats and jump lunges. No ellipticals will be harmed in this cut phase.

I'm about to go HAM on this cut phase--again, not because my only goal is to be completely shredded, but because I want to see where I will be able to push my body! It's going to be so fun--and no, I'm not cutting out my peanut butter. ;)

Have a great day!

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