Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day & Recipe Preview

Hi all :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day. It's not just a day to chow down on some delicious BBQ; it's a day where we honor the men and women who have put their lives on the line for us. I know some people don't agree with war in the first place. Take someone on my Facebook, for example. She is so anti-war. I don't think I know anyone more anti-war than her. But she still took the time to honor the people who have fought for our country even if she disagrees with the reasoning behind it. Now that's respect!

Yesterday I just a low-key kind of day: I went out for lunch with my mom, went on a long walk with her, and then just chilled out at home. 

I should also mention that I am working on getting a recipes pages up. It will feature a little something like this...

This isn't my picture but when my mom and I make it, it looks identical to this picture.

I saw that Katie had this a few nights ago and she loved it. Let me tell you, when I saw this on her blog, I freaked. This is my FAVORITE dessert and it's a signature in our household. Every Easter and Thanksgiving we have it and sometimes just for fun. It's my grandma's recipe and it's probably my favorite. 

You'll see it sometime soon. ;)

I hope everybody enjoys their day!


  1. AHHHHHHH YES!!! I love that you love it as much as me! I wish we lived closer, we could make some and have a strawberry pretzel salad eating party!!!

    YAY! Happy Tuesday! <3

    1. Seriously, I cant not tell you how excited I was when I saw that on your blog! I was like shouting with excitement. :) I wish we lived closer to because I think we'd make some pretty killer recipes! Happy Tuesday to you as well :) Thanks!
