I can't tell you how bothersome it is that people don't understand the necessity of FOOD.
(*WARNING* this post is a rant.)
There's this large spectrum. On one side of the spectrum are those who feel that food is the enemy, so they restrict, slow their metabolisms, and essentially turn off their bodies.
Now on the farrrr other side are those that don't take into consideration that FOOD is FUEL, not a HOBBY. So they eat in abundance.
I am by no means judging these people. I know our lives get crazy sometimes and we take food and make it something that it's not. What's my mission? I want to teach people the necessity of exercise and nutrition.
I'm a teenager. I go to school. I bring Tupperware containers to my school cafeteria filled with chicken, veggies, fruit, whatever healthy food I decide to prepare for the day.
I literally see girls my age who refuse to eat for fear of getting fat. I want to hug these girls. I have no idea what kind of personal issues they might have, but I want to help.
I also see girls and boys who I know for a fact train a lot, whether that's for a school sport, an outside of school sport, or for personal recreation. I see them not eating ENOUGH for their needs.
Gosh, did I used to be one of these people. I love to lift weights. I hit the gym when I can. In old times, I would eat the same on my training days as my off days. I was wondering why I wasn't seeing more definition and feeling sore and fatigued all the time.
Well no freakin' wonder why! I wasn't eating nearly enough! Especially as a TEENAGER who is still growing and needs more food than adults anyways, I didn't realize I needed even MORE than I was getting.
I trained the legs today, for example. And I'm not going to sugar-coat it, I went HAM. I felt great afterwards, no doubt about that. But I knew this required me to eat more, more, MORE throughout the day to provide my body with the energy it needs. Even on my 'off' days, I still need to eat a lot because of my training. I need to keep the machine (a.k.a. my body) burning!
I need MORE calories than an adult who trains (unless their a professional bodybuilder of course). I see women who eat for their needs during training, which can be anywhere from 1,600-2,500 calories. I need to be cognizant that I need more though, and not fall for the trap that I am like these adults.

I just wish that teens understood this. Food is FUEL. If you're not eating enough, you slow the metabolism and let your body eat up its muscle. Imagine your body as a fire. In order to keep the fire burning, you need to keep stoking it and adding wood. This is the FOOD.
And I love Oxygen, FitnessRx and Muscle & Fitness Hers magazines but I also read everything with the thought in mind that I am different than these lovely ladies and my needs are individualized.
EAT. Plain and simple. Okay, rant over. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)
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